Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Fault In Romeo and Juliet Essay

In William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, one of the main characters, Juliet, commits suicide near the end of the play. Friar Lawrence is directly responsible for the death of Juliet in all ways. He makes not only one, but three mistakes that all lead to Juliet’s death. He gave a poison to Juliet, he trusted someone else with a letter of great significance to deliver to Romeo, and he fled when Juliet was in the most danger at the tomb. Had he not have made these three major terrible mistakes, Juliet might not have killed herself. Friar Lawrence made a major mistake that he could have avoided himself. He trusted Juliet, an unstable teenage girl, with a fake-death poison. This rash decision was a very poor choice on the friar’s behalf. Here, the friar shows his irresponsibility by saying, â€Å"If†¦ thou hast the strength of will to slay thyself†¦ take thou this vial†¦ no warmth, no breath shall testify thou livest;† (4.1.72, 93, 98) Fr iar Lawrence’s idea for Juliet is very risky and he should have known better than to try it. Because of what happens, everyone thinks Juliet is dead and shortly thereafter, she is buried alive. This quote shows the true meaning of responsibility, because when he says this, her life rests in his hands. Capulet is even foiled by the plan, because when he says her faking her death, he said, â€Å"Death lies on her like an untimely frost.† (4.5.28) The fake death has fooled Capulet, Juliet’s father, and the rest of the family. Had Friar Lawrence not have given Juliet the poison, she would have never been put in the position that she was in, which eventually leads to her death. Trusting Friar John to send the letter, and not even telling him that the letter was urgent, was Friar Lawrence’s next big mistake. The mistake of him sending someone else to do it was inexcusable; a matter as important as faking death should be dealt with personally. Had Friar Lawrence have personally delivered the letter, the plan might have gone smoothly. Friar John shows his incompetence in the fifth act when he says â€Å"I could not send it – here it is again -† (5.2.14). Showing Friar Lawrence’s poor decision making again, this quote perfectly shows how Friar Lawrence is responsible for Juliet’s death by choosing to send the letter instead of delivering it. At that, he should not have trusted someone as mediocre as Friar John. â€Å"The letter was not nice but full of charge, of dear import, and the neglecting it may do much danger.† (5.2.18-20) Friar Lawrence trusted a complete buffoon at the most crucial of times and the price was paid for the actions of both friars. Consequently, Juliet dies because Friar Lawrence did not think through that something might arise and a situation this urgent must be dealt with personally. Friar Lawrence could have easily avoided the situation. Cowardice, plain and simple, was also another reason why Friar Lawrence was responsible for Juliet’s death. He runs away when Juliet needs him the most, and in leaving her alone, she kills herself. In the tomb scene, Friar Lawrence attempt’s to help Juliet before running away. â€Å"(Friar Lawrence): Stay not to question, for the Watch is coming. Come go, good Juliet, I dare no longer stay. (Juliet): Go get thee hence, for I will not away.† Friar Lawrence puts himself before Juliet, and worries about getting caught by the watch. He leaves Juliet when she needs him most. Friar Lawrence shows here that he really does not care about Juliet, and that he is very self-centered. He leaves her to kill herself, even though it is entirely his fault that she is even in that situation. Had the friar not have left the tomb, then Juliet might not have had the opportunity to kill herself, as you can see she does in the following quote. â€Å"Yea, noise? Then I’ll be brief. O happy dagger, [taking Romeo’s dagger.] this is thy sheath; [stabs herself.]† (5.3.169) Juliet says these final words before killing herself. We see here what results directly from Friar Lawrence leaving the scene when he should have stayed. Had he stayed, he could have at least attempted to wrench the dagger from her hand, or comforted her until she let go of the knife. Instead of staying to help he chose to run away from the watchmen for his own safety, and because of this final, terrible choice, Juliet ends up dead. Friar Lawrence makes many bad choices throughout the play; choices that are inexcusable. When he made such terrible choices, he inevitably doomed Juliet to her death. His irresponsible choices, trusting Juliet with poison, giving the letter to Friar John, and running away at the tomb, were awful choices. He consistently shows that he is an awful decision maker, and he is entirely responsible for Juliet’s death. One could even say he is more responsible for the death than Juliet herself.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Approximately half of the states in the United States have already recognized high school cheerleaders ender Title IX legislation (Variants, 2009, p. 41). Since the popularity of competitive cheer is increasing, many colleges and universities are looking to improve Title IX compliance with the addition of competitive cheer as a participation opportunity for its female students. These colleges and universities are faced with the dilemma that competitive cheer is not recognized by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) as a sport; therefore, the researcher feels that competitive cheer should be an intercollegiate varsity sport.The purpose of this position paper is to provide respective to the problems that colleges and universities face in complying with Title IX and to provide reasons why competitive cheerleaders should be an intercollegiate varsity sport. Since the passage of Title IX in 1972, female participation in sports has increased dramatically. Girls and women are no longer relegated to the sidelines, but are suiting up and Joining men on the playing fields. The legislation of Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive Federal financial assistance.The law states: â€Å"No person in the United States, hall on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance† (Carpenter and Costa, 2005, p. 3). Title IX was enacted to deal with all aspects of education, including admissions, recruitment, course offerings, financial assistance, housing, counseling, physical education, employment, insurance benefits, student health, and martial and parental status of students.During the original conception of the amendment there was no obvious accumulation that sports programs and athletic activities at the interscholastic and intercollegiate levels were covered under the regul ations of Title ‘X. Therefore, a great deal of perplexity generated on how to handle athletic sports under the Title IX Amendment. As a result, in 1974, the Cavity Amendment became a component of Title IX which acknowledges that all athletic activities and sports would be included in the legislation.In the 1996 Clarification, the Department of Education provided educational institutions and programs with an extensive range f specific factors and descriptive examples to assist institutions and programs understand the flexibility of the â€Å"three-prong test. † The â€Å"three-prong test† determines whether an educational institution's intercollegiate athletics program offers fair and equitable participation opportunities for both genders; the educational institution must show compliance with one of the following three prongs: 1.Prong One shows that male and female athletes are substantially proportionate to the institution's respective undergraduate enrollment. 2 . Prong Two shows a ex among the intercollegiate athletes. 3. Prong Three demonstrates fully and effectively accommodate the interest and abilities of the underrepresented sex of the intercollegiate athletes. The 1996 Clarification letter describes the â€Å"substantial proportionality' portion of the three-prong test as a â€Å"safe harbor† for Title IX compliance (US Department of Education Website).Moreover, this Clarification letter influenced many educational institutions to believe that ensuring strict measures of proportionality will fulfill Title IX requirements. Each one or the three prongs is evenly essential as a means for fulfillment of Title IX regulations; therefore, no one prong is more beneficial than the other. In 2005, the Additional Clarification was released in regard to the application of the indicators in the 1996 Clarification that guided Scar's (Office of Civil Rights) analysis of the â€Å"substantial proportionality' prong of the three-prong test.A lso incorporated in the Additional Clarification was a User's Guide which contained a model survey that educational institutions could utilize to measure student interest and participation in intercollegiate athletics. This clarification modified Scar's approach from dependence on the multiple prong tests to mainly utilizing the single survey instrument to demonstrate the institution's Title IX compliance.After many deliberations, in 2010, the OCCUR rescinded the 2005 Additional Clarification and User's Guide because it was inconsistent with the nondiscriminatory methods of assessment set forth in the 1979 Policy Interpretation and the 1996 Clarification (US Department of Education Website). Presently, due to the vague nature of the three-prong compliance test, most colleges and universities Ely only on the â€Å"substantial proportionality' prong to satisfy Title IX legislation requirements.Therefore, the reliance on this prong has resulted in a great number of men's non-revenue s ports to be cut from intercollegiate athletic programs in order to meet the proportionality requirement (Variants, 2009, p. 43). A major way to decrease the elimination of men's non-revenue sports is for intercollegiate athletic programs to put more emphasis on â€Å"prong three† which concentrates to fully and intercollegiate athletes. The underrepresented sex in intercollegiate athletics is the male and with the addition of competitive cheerleaders as a varsity intercollegiate sport will assist educational institutions' Title IX issues.The OCCUR sets guidelines to assist educational institutions and programs in determining whether an activity should be considered a varsity intercollegiate sport under the Title IX legislation. Unfortunately, OCCUR does not offer educational institutions with a precise definition of what is considered an athletic opportunity or a â€Å"sport† for the purposes of Title IX requirements. Instead the OCCUR provides educational institutions with a five features hat can to be counted as a varsity sport for Title IX purposes that a sport must: 1.Be administered by the athletics department in a manner consistent with established varsity sports. 2. Offer athletics scholarships and recruit participants. 3. Have practice opportunities and regular-season competitive opportunities similar to established varsity sports 4. Conduct state, conference, or national championships. 5. Exist for the purpose of athletics competition, not to support or promote other athletics activities (NCAA. Org). The Women's Sports Foundation (WAS) and the NCAA Foundation (2000), a â€Å"sport† is defined as: 1. Physical activity that involves propelling a mass through space or overcoming the resistance off mass, 2. A contest or competition against or with an opponent, 3. Is governed by rules which explicitly defined the time, space, and purpose of contest and the conditions under which a winner is declared, and 4. The acknowledged primary pur pose of the competition is a comparison of the relative skills of the participants (Para. 3 and Boyce, 2008, p. 3). Under the WAS, as long as â€Å"competitive cheer squads compete against other similar squads and function underNCAA regulations then cheerleaders can be considered a sport; consequently, the foundation found that cheerleaders is not a sport because their purpose is not to compete and most competitions are not structured like school sport competitions† (Variants, 2009, p. 43). Second, the NCAA defines a sport as â€Å"an institutional activity involving physical exertion with the purpose of competition versus or teams or individuals within a collegiate competition structure† (NCAA. Org).Additionally, NCAA explains the concept of â€Å"emerging sports† that is a sport intended o provide additional athletic opportunities to female student-athletes, to have standardized rules with a scoring system ratified by a governing body, and have regularly sched uled competitions. The USA Federation for Sport Cheering is a not-for profit organization and is the national governing body for all disciplines of cheerleaders. Moreover, USA Cheer exists to serve the entire cheer community, including club cheering, traditional school based cheer programs and the new sport of â€Å"stunt. USA Cheer has three primary objectives: 1 . Help grow and develop interest and participation in Cheer throughout the United States; 2. Remote safety and safety education for cheer in the United States; and 3. Represent the United States of America in international cheer competitions (USA Cheer. Org). Therefore, does competitive cheer meet these requirements to be considered an intercollegiate varsity sport in eyes of the OCCUR and the NCAA?The USA Cheer and the cheerleaders community are making strides to create and launch Stunt, a new competitive team sport which provides increased athletic and educational opportunities for young women. Stunt is a by-product fro m the skills and techniques of traditional side line heralding. Moreover, USA Cheer is desperately trying to get â€Å"stunt† recognized as an NCAA emerging sport. The competitions will consist of four quarters: partner stunts, Jumps and group tumbling, tosses and pyramids, and team routine (Vesuvius, 2011, p. 457).There are 15 collegiate club teams with twenty to thirty participants. The USA Cheer suggests 12 to 16 numbers of competitions per season and requiring six to eight varsity members (p. 459). Currently, stunt provides additional opportunities for the more than 800,000 cheerleaders in the United States, including gig school age looking for an athletic opportunity at the intercollegiate athletic levels (USA Cheer. Org). Bidder v. Chinquapin University is a recent Title IX case concerning competitive cheer as a sport, roster manipulation, and female athletic participation.In March 2009, the Chinquapin University women's volleyball team and their coach Robin Sparks file d a lawsuit against Chinquapin University because officials announced that it would cut women's volleyball, men's golf, and men's outdoor track to help balance its budget, and would replace those sports with a limitation, the volleyball players and their coach partnered with the American Civil Liberties Union (UCLA) of Connecticut and filed this lawsuit charging Chinquapin University had failed to provide female students with equal opportunity to participate in varsity intercollegiate athletics.Their claim was the university violated the first part of the Title IX proportionality test since 62 percent of Chinquapin University's undergraduate students were women and only 50 percent participated in athletics. Pending the lawsuit, the federal Judge issued a preliminary injunction preventing Chinquapin University from dissolving the team. The ruling also prohibited the university from eliminating any other women's teams or athletic participation opportunities (The Associated Press, 2009 ).The officials at Chinquapin University were under the impression that competitive cheer was deemed as an intercollegiate sport recognized by the NCAA and Title ‘X. In July 2010, U. S. District Judge Stefan Undersell ruled that counting the competitive cheer team as varsity athletes violated Title IX standards because it did not meet the requirements for a varsity sport according to the OCCUR. Undersell highlighted not only the importance of having competition to be recognized as a sport but also that a sport must â€Å"resemble all other varsity sports at the institution in structure and operation† (Inside Higher Deed, 2010).In comparison with other varsity sports at Chinquapin, the competitive cheer team's 2009-10 season faced inconsistencies in terms of opponents competed against and an unified scoring system used. In conclusion, Judge Undersell wrote in his decision that â€Å"competitive cheer may, some- time in the future, qualify as a sport ender Title ‘X ; however, today the activity is still too underdeveloped and disorganized to be treated as offering genuine varsity athletic participation opportunities for students† ( Inside Higher Deed, 2010 and Thomas, 2010).Judge Undersell also noted that competitive cheer is not a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) sport; even though, six schools in the country compete for competitive cheer and have a governing body called National Competitive Stunt and Tumbling Association. Also, Judge Undersell extended the injunction requiring Chinquapin to keep volleyball as a varsity sport for another season, which was wrought the 2010-11 season. Judge Undersell mandated that â€Å"any decision to eliminate women's volleyball† must be â€Å"accompanied by other changes that will bring the university into compliance with Title ‘X† (Inside Higher Deed, 2010).In conclusion, Title IX is a very critical piece of legislation that has laid the fundamental framework for the advancement of gender equity. Therefore, Title IX still plays a vital role in the achievement of pure gender equity because girls and women in sports have a great deal more to accomplish. A goal of Title is to not deny any gender of participating in sport or athletic activity of their interest; therefore, it is important to give equal athletic opportunities to female athletes who are interested in competing in an up and coming sport like competitive cheerleaders.Recognizing competitive cheerleaders as a sport would give educational institutions the ability to put the focus on strengthening safety regulations of competitive cheer because the NCAA would require strict regulations for a intercollegiate varsity sport. Meanwhile, competitive cheer will not completely solve the gender equity issues for girls and omen and the crisis of the elimination of men's non-revenue programs but it would the many female athletes the opportunity to participate in a sport that has been around for many , many decades.

Area and Volume

Previous exam questions on area between functions and volumes of solids. 1. Let f(x) = cos(x2) and g(x) = ex, for –1. 5 ? x ? 0. 5. Find the area of the region enclosed by the graphs of f and g. (Total 6 marks) 2. Let f(x) = Aekx + 3. Part of the graph of f is shown below. The y-intercept is at (0, 13). (a)Show that A =10. (2) (b)Given that f(15) = 3. 49 (correct to 3 significant figures), find the value of k. (3) (c)(i)Using your value of k, find f? (x). (ii)Hence, explain why f is a decreasing function. iii)Write down the equation of the horizontal asymptote of the graph f. (5) Let g(x) = –x2 + 12x – 24. (d)Find the area enclosed by the graphs of f and g. (6) (Total 16 marks) 3. The following diagram shows the graphs of f (x) = ln (3x – 2) + 1 and g (x) = – 4 cos (0. 5x) + 2, for 1 ? x ? 10. (a)Let A be the area of the region enclosed by the curves of f and g. (i)Find an expression for A. (ii)Calculate the value of A. (6) (b)(i)Find f ? (x). (ii)F ind g? (x). (4) c)There are two values of x for which the gradient of f is equal to the gradient of g. Find both these values of x. (4) (Total 14 marks) 4. The graph of f(x) = , for –2 ? x ? 2, is shown below. The region enclosed by the curve of f and the x-axis is rotated 360Â ° about the x-axis. Find the volume of the solid formed. (Total 6 marks) 5. The graph of y = between x = 0 and x = a is rotated 360Â ° about the x-axis. The volume of the solid formed is 32?. Find the value of a. (Total 7 marks)

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Ethical Views of Socrates found in the Euthyphro and in The Crito Personal Statement

The Ethical Views of Socrates found in the Euthyphro and in The Crito - Personal Statement Example This is a section of philosophy involving systematic defending, and concepts of recommending of the wrong and right behaviour. A reasonable, ethical foundation needs a standard value in which all actions and goals could be compared. In this regard, these standards include an individual’s own life and happiness that makes them able to live (Melchert 5). This is an individual’s ultimate value of standard, the key goal for which an ethical man should always aim. These goals are arrived at through the examination of the nature of man and identifying man's needs that are always peculiar. In most cases, the ethical system consists of emergency situations and daily choices. In this regard, it includes an individual’s relation to other individuals and recognizes their necessity especially into ones physical survival, happiness and wellbeing (Melchert 6). It also identifies that life is an end in itself and that in many situations sacrifice may be destructive despite bein g necessary. According to the theory of wrong and right, evil and good, it is certain that human beings are more than just believers. Human beings are always known to be doers. The main question comes up concerning the extent of wisdom that may explain how people can live their lives best. Do the ideas that pleasure obtained from something makes it be right to be done? Should an individual think of how his or her actions influence the others? If so, then the question is - in what manner? Is there certainly bad or good or does having such thinking makes it to main so? Do individuals have duties? If so where does an individual come from? What is vice and virtue? What is meant by the word justice? Can the justice administered be considered to be vital? These include some among the different philosophical questions that one may ask himself. Each and every culture tries to give out answers to this question despite the fact that some cultures have not yet developed the most known philosop hy. Some of the answers that were given to these questions may universally take the form of some stories especially those involving gods. In this respect, gods were referred to as the gigantic nature of power, which takes part in massive creation feat that struggle frequently with other gods thus intervening in the human life evil or good (Melchert, 6). These are mostly referred to as myth stories. They are normally told and repeated, embroidered and elaborated. They are also told to children as facts that are straightforward and obtain some authority due to their age, aspect of repetition, and by the true fact that people in the society accepts them. In this respect, these stories have an effect of shaping traditions, which in turn shapes the lives of individuals. The philosophy that is referred to as the love to wisdom started when some individuals began to ask questions. For example, the questions like why an individual should believe stories of this kind, how can an individual g et to know that these stories are true, and whenever they try to give out answers that may look to be more going compared to plausibility, and antiquity coming from acceptance that is common. Different philosophers have tried to provide the people in the society with some impressive reasons to believe in one thing concerning this matter. These philosophers tend to provide good reasons that can make an individual think that he or she cannot answer questions of this type

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Critical Thinking envi 423 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical Thinking envi 423 2 - Essay Example on the continent of Asia but has strong cultural and geographical ties with many parts of North Africa with aspects such as religion and language getting assimilated by them as a result. In ancient times the Middle East connected major trade routes between Asia and Europe through both land and seas. Caravans from India and China brought their goods to the busy markets of the Middle East for trading purposes. From there, the traders ferried the goods across the Mediterranean and into Europe to venture into other new markets. Other routes took traders across the red sea or down the coast of Africa with some traders penetrating further into the hinterlands. These bands of migrating people made up of traders and even conquerors, acted as agents of change in that they spread new and foreign ideas, religious traditions, inventions and different forms of achievements into the nations of Europe, Asia, and ultimately Africa. This movement of ideas, and or customs from one place to another con tributed to cultural diffusion (Arab Contributions to civilization). The Middle East is home to many different peoples with a variety of languages, religions and traditions. But Arabs whose major language is Arabic are the majority group in the Middle Eastern countries, but the Middle East is also home to other groups such as the Iranians, the Turks, and the Kurds. The major religions dominant in the region include Islam which is the leading religion by number of devout followers, followed by Christianity that also boosts of a substantial following, and lastly but not least Judaism. These are people who were born and raised in the desert or mountain wilderness and lived in tents or caves. They engaged in raising goats, sheep, donkeys, horses and camels. Bedouins consider the desert as their home, travelling in small bands or groups. Interestingly, the Bedouin are still living today as they have been living for thousands of years back, travelling from one oasis to another in their

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Restraint reduction program for stroke patients Assignment

Restraint reduction program for stroke patients - Assignment Example in Amato, Salter, &Mion, 2006, p.237). In this paper, I shall put forward a prospective Quality Improvement program – a multi-component Restraint Reduction Program (RRP) for the stroke rehabilitation unit in our hospital as part of my effort to enhance patient outcomes over here. Emergency cardiac and stroke attacks have become the third major cause of hospitalization and death after cancer and heart disease in America. It has been reported that 8, 00, 000 Americans become the victim of stroke every year which calculates to an average of one American suffering from a stroke every 40 seconds. In fact, stroke accounts for 1, 40, 000 deaths every year and the reason behind other 1, 00, 000 deaths each year in this country. Stroke patients generally suffer a sudden loss of brain abilities such as loss of consciousness, change in behavior, disorientation, dizziness, trouble in moving hands, arms, and legs, difficulty in talking, understanding, or, severe headache. Stroke patients i n acute care settings generally have a high risk of falling or agitated behavior which needs to be handled appropriately. The stroke treatment procedures necessitate every health care provider to identify potential stroke patients and have specialized knowledge, practical experience and the required tools for treating them efficiently. Moreover, it has become urgent for every health care center and acute rehabilitation unit taking care of stroke patients to be equipped with the essential services, techniques and workforce for providing the best treatment (Katz, n.d). For the purpose of enhancing the treatment, I would like to introduce a QI program – a multi-component Restraint Reduction Program in one of our acute rehabilitation unit, the stroke unit. Physical restraints have been constantly used by nurses in acute stroke care settings to avoid falls, to control agitation and to handle impulsive behavior. Although physical restraints have been found to be beneficial, their a dverse effect which may even include death of the patient is a matter of concern. According to various studies, restraint reduction programs have been successful in decreasing restraint use along with maintaining patient safety of stroke patients in both acute care and long term settings (Amato, Salter, &Mion, 2006, p.235). The basis of this QI program, RRP, will be the implementation of a multi-component intervention strategy which could greatly reduce the use of physical restraints and decrease fall rates through a secure and successful approach in the stroke rehabilitation units. The primary aim of the RRP will be to lower restraint use by 25% and to sustain fall rates lesser than 10% above the baseline. The interventions in the RRP were adopted from successfully employed restraint programs in different acute care settings. For the purpose of execution, a planning committee will be formed which will include clinical nurse specialists, unit nurse managers, nurse patient-care coord inators, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and the staff nurses. To achieve the set target, this plan will be primarily including four main arenas – administrative support, education, consultation and feedback (Amato, Salter, &Mion, 2006, p.236-237). Administration Before the execution of the program, it is

Friday, July 26, 2019

Summary Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

Summary - Research Paper Example During those days, Nike had taken a top-down approach to ensure that their products reach to the targeted people through the use of famous sports people and endorsements that were thought to influence their fans to start using the Nike products (Scott). A couple of years back, Nike started experiencing problems with the old marketing strategy of using celebrity sport people as they were subject to scandals that impacted poorly on the company’s sale. Hence, as a new marketing strategy, Nike company opted to go digital and invest heavily in marketing through social media as it involved more word of mouth together with marketing (Panos). Nike managed to create a fan base through a couple of social Medias and get followed who were constantly kept updated with the latest advancements in Nike products. Panos. "Why Nikes Buzz Marketing Strategy Is Riskier Than Red Bulls." 18 September 2012. 23 April 2014

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Tech Organizational Development and Management of Samsung Research Paper

Tech Organizational Development and Management of Samsung - Research Paper Example The researcher states that the corporate culture of Samsung is one that is creative given the fast developing world of technology. The electronics industry is a rapidly developing industry and within this industry, new products are constantly making older products obsolete. For example, the 12.1-megapixel camera replaces that 14.2-megapixel camera in just a few months, Since Samsung belongs to the category of electronics, it needs an organizational culture that quickly adapts to change. Therefore in order to keep up with the changing external environment, Samsung Electronics has developed a flexible organizational culture where employees have the power to choose their own workplace. Employees are required to positively contribute to the organization and it does not matter where they operate or when they operate. It is on account of this culture that Samsung Electronics is considered to the leading company within the electronics industry. It has been able to launch innovative products such as ‘eyeCan’ in 2012 for disabled people. The company has also been able to successfully implement its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) program that has made its product more environmentally sustainable. There are different approaches to identify the culture within an organization. One of the most widely used cultural analytical tools is the OCAI. The OCAI assesses the culture of the organization through six dimensions namely, the dominant characters in the organization; the leadership approach within the organization; the management of the employees; the organizational cohesiveness; clear vision and reward program. The OCAI here would be used to analyze the culture of Samsung Electronics. The dominant characteristic of the organization is constant innovation. The company takes challenges very seriously and always comes up with innovative products that put the competition on the edge.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Healthy Eating Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Healthy Eating - Essay Example I resumed my afternoon routine but still felt some hunger as the day wore on. At supper time I had two plates of spaghetti with minced meat and called it a day. On the second day, careful not to get entangled in the previous day’s mayhem again, I awoke in good time – enough to get myself cleaned up and prepare breakfast. I ate a plate of left over spaghetti from the previous night with a cup of coffee. During the day, I felt less hunger pangs in between meals as I had experienced on the previous day and instead of four chocolate bars, I consumed only two before lunch hour. At lunch, I had a quick meal – 2 beef burger pieces and a bottle of soda. I ate another burger at 4pm on my way home and later on at night I had a plateful of roasted meat with some beer as we enjoyed a get-together evening with a couple of friends. And yesterday, I took 2 cups of plain coffee and rushed off to get the day going. On this particular day I had very little appetite for food and so I had no snacks in between the meals (which I also labored through). At lunch time I ate a plate of meat stew with rice and a glass of water. In the evening, for supper, I again had meat but this time with spaghetti (a plateful). From my analysis of my feeding habits over the last three days and other days in general, I can conclude that I primarily consume carbohydrates/ sugars (chocolate, flavored drinks, sausages, fries, beer, rice, and spaghetti), fats (fries, sausages, chocolates, beer and meat) and proteins (beef burgers, meat). This is a very alarming and dangerous eating habit as it is lacking in a plethora of foods from other vital groups (such as vitamins). Healthy eating is an absolutely essential component toward health and well-being. What one eats, how often and how much are all vital towards attaining a healthy and balanced diet. There are numerous changes and additions that I can make in order to improve on my eating

Leadership and Decision Making Assignment Term Paper

Leadership and Decision Making Assignment - Term Paper Example The major problem that might occur while working as a team is when the team members do not listening and follow the instructions of their colleagues. The lack of sharing of information is also one of the prime reasons for the failure. This is the reason why leaders are required to handle the team in the right direction with various leadership styles in resolving conflicts and work with the same motive and objective as a team. Conflicts are common in working as a team but it demands competent leadership in solving the issues and for managing all the concerned members in the right path. The true leaders are competent enough in taking decisions and manage everyone as per the desired objectives of the organization. In clinical teams, motives, traits, knowledge and skills are commonly found but there is a lack of leadership quality in the team. In any kind of organization, the importance of leadership is prevalent. The leaders are accountable as they take up the responsibilities; identify various techniques in motivating the team members and initiate effective decisions. As per Professor Lars Qvortrup, â€Å"The leader can only identify the learning need of the organization and exceed the organization’s knowledge horizon by standing outside the organization† (Qvortrup, n.d.). In an organization, responsibility and accountability are very important. Responsibility will create accountability of all the deeds that are carried out in the organization. Leaders in the organization take up the challenge and work with others in generating benefit to their organizations. A leader knows best about his/her work force people better. Leaders can identify the motivating factors for the employees and try to motivate them either in monetary terms or in non monetary methods. The tools used by the leaders in motivating the work force are divided into

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

An Introduction to the Cold War Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

An Introduction to the Cold War - Assignment Example Countries in Western Europe also had some really dangerous weapons, these weapons included long-range missiles, bombs, guns so on and so forth. The countries did not want to take any risk as they were all recovering from the damage caused by the Second World War and another war at that time would have literary wiped them off the map. To conclude it is very fair to say that the countries were afraid of each other because they had some really dangerous weapons which were already used in the Second World War, United States, for instance, had Atom Bombs which caused damage beyond repair in Japan. The world got divided into several different parts after the World Wars; these World Wars caused damage beyond repair. Cold war began after the end of the Second World War, the Second World War ended in the year 1945, The US and the Soviet Union were the ones directly involved in the cold war. The cold war was a situation in which countries did not fight directly; instead, they choose to fight indirectly with each other. â€Å"Do note that USSR in 1945 was Russia post-1917 and included all the various countries that now exist individually (Ukraine, Georgia etc) but after the war, they were part of this huge country up until the collapse of the Soviet Union (the other name for the USSR).† (What was the Cold War?) The US and the Soviet Union were the strongest countries once the Second World War ended and both wanted to dominate each other. To match each other stride for stride they started fighting indirectly. This indirect war had several repercussions upon the other countries and it also affected the US and the Soviet Union. Weapons weren’t used in this cold war, words were used as weapons and the main enemies involved in this war consistently tried to make each other look foolish. The leaders involved in the cold war consistently kept changing but the war still continued, this goes to show the desire to dominate each other and most of the wars occur because of this domination of one country over another.  Ã‚  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Culture and Anthropologists Essay Example for Free

Culture and Anthropologists Essay The problems that faced by anthropologists in the fieldwork are adaptation to new culture, maintain objectivism and get access to all information from their subjects. Adaptation to new culture is hard, since they have to stay for a period of time and try to live in the way their subjects’ do. Adaptation that done by anthropologists is not only adapt new lifestyle, but also learning their cultural norms and language in order to be accepeted by their subjects as a part of them, not only as a foreigner. For instance, M. N. Srinivas was got disapproval for shaving before bath since in that community, people are shaving after bath (Srinivas, 2002). However, by adapting the culture, anthropologists not only gain knowledge about how the culture is, but they will have better understanding on the culture. Knowing why do people in certain culture do certain activity, how the culture has impacted the people on that community and the historical of the culture as well. On top of that, a better understanding of the culture may assist the anthropologists to produce an unbiased ethnography by avoiding ethnocentrism. Having different cultures, people tend to make a comparison among the culture. It could be inevitable when living with people with different cultures in which values, norms and behavioural acceptance are in different manner. This objectivism is needed when anthropologists faced problem with what they observe. Remain objective could be a bit hard when the anthropologists have an emotional involvement on problems that their subjects’ face. For example, when Claire did the observation on prostitutes lifestyle and have emotional pressure, at some point she need to out from the field, so that her objectivism is remain stable (Sterk, 2009). Other than avoiding ethnocentrism, maintaining objectivism is also required to build a good relationship with their subjects. By the example on what Claire done, the thing that can be learned is anthropologists should not interfere too much on their subjects’ life, and also anthropologists should be able to set a boundaries to limit to what extend they can emotionally interfere with their subjects (Sterk, 2009). The other problem that faced the most by anthropologists is get access to all information from their subjects. In order to find the respondents, anthropologists need to show their respects to gain trust from the leader of that community. The importance of key respondents is to open a path to ommunicate with other members in that community to get more perception of how the norms and culture affect their life. However, the problem is, sometimes anthropologists wrongly identify the key repondents. According to Calire E. Sterk (2009), anthropologists need to be able to find the right person as their key respondents, if not, then the access to information is too narrow, which could cause misinterp retation on the data. For instance, during fieldwork in Rampura village, M. N. Srinivas observed a community that led by a headman that very strict on cultural rules(Srinivas 2009). The headman always watch whatever Srinivas did and limited the access to the members of that community , till the time when he realize that there are two faction and apparently the second faction is more open to foreigners than the first faction (Srinivas, 2009). By reading this case, there is something that can be a learning experience which is before anthropologists do participant observation, they need to know how is the structure of that society, what are the cultural values, norms and belief that they believe in and the most important thing is to know what are motivations to do such a cultural activities and how they do it.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Scenario And Challenges Of Retail Banking In India Finance Essay

Scenario And Challenges Of Retail Banking In India Finance Essay ABSTRACT This paper discusses the overview of retail banking in India. It further explains the scope tremendous growth of this segment among the other segments of banking. The retail sector in India has huge potential is expected to grow at a rapid pace when overall banking sector is expected to grow at 30% this year. The current scenario, products services offered advantages; disadvantages, issues challenges are also a part of this paper. INTRODUCTION Today, the marketing mantra is to delight customers by offering them more than their expectations. This leads to more satisfied customers. The same is applied to the banking industry. Indian Economy is moving from manufacturing to service economy where Banking sector is undergoing a change. The demand for financial products is increasing customization of services is becoming a necessity. The retail banking is growing at a rapid pace. Once it was considered as forbidden by the leading foreign domestic banks. But today all the banks have recognized the importance of retail banking which became possible due to extensive competition, innovation advanced technology. With the expected growth of 30% for retail banking, the banks are focusing more more on it. They are moving up to the potential of this segmant of banking. In terms of revenue for both public private sector banks, Retail banking is a major contributor. PSBs are considered to be more risk averse. In comparison to the private banks, PSBs have higher exposure to the retail banking segment lesser exposure to treasury operations, in which foreign banks holds maximum revenue. In Public Sector Banks, SBI alone holds more than 1/4th of the revenue from retail banking operations. The PSBs have higher share in retail banking because of their rural reach in comparison to private or foreign banks. Out of the total branches of banks in rural India, PSBs have for 94.7% of them. As on 31st march, 2008 the revenue in different segments is shown for PSBs, Private Foreign Banks. PSBs Private Banks Foreign Banks The Indian players are confident towards the Indian Retail banking. The reason for it is that There has been a drastic change in the urban household income pattern which has directly impacted the consumption patterns hence the banking habits of Indians have tilted towards the Retail products services. The spending pattern in India is also increasing. The bullish pattern can be seen in the Retail business. The total outstanding Retail loans in India are below 5% of the Indian GDP whereas they are around 41 of the GDP in Taiwan. The figures are more surprising while comparing with the West. Compared to Western countries, India is lagging behind in the use of credit cards. In India the people have generally save a lot. On an average an Indian saves 35% of his income. Therefore, no. of banking services provided by banks is increasing day by day. Also the tax benefits are available on various loans. For ex- a borrower can avail tax benefits for the loan repayment the interest charged for the loan in case of housing loans. Retail banking is actually a mass market banking where individual customers use local branches of the large commercial banks. The focus is on creating products services that meet the needs of the target customers and in turn making profits as well. Since retail banking products are more on a mass production basis, therefore, all risks operations are to cater to a large number of customers are also based on them. This approach is quite different from wholesale banking or corporate banking where target is on large sized customer accounts rather than large numbers of customers as in the case of retail banking. For servicing your customer better it is very important to understand retail banking as it helps in structuring products and meeting specific requirements for each set of products. ATM introduced the concept of Anytime banking. Anywhere banking became possible with the development of satellites telecom networks across the world. Now it is the time for Anyhow banking the bank which will have all these 3 As will be the leading bank of the next century. RETAIL BANKING Retail banking is quite broad in nature. It refers to dealing with individual customers by commercial banks, both on liabilities assets sides of their balance sheet. Fixed savings /current accounts come on the liabilities side mortgages and loans come on the assets side. Various other services include credit cards or depository services. Retail banking retail lending are often confused with each other but retail lending is only a subset of the retail banking. Individual customers need requirement are accessed approached in an integrated manner in retail banking. Retail banking sector is consists of: BENEFITS OF RETAIL BANKING Retail Banking has become a better option for banks to increase their earnings as the lending to corporate is of high risk are generally slow moving. This sector consists of a large no. of customers of varied class. This type of banking provides customized wide range of products to individual small units. Also the risk is spread the recovery is very good. The products can be designed, deployed marketed according to the individual requirements. ANALYSIS OF RETAIL BANKING STRENGTH Diversified asset portfolio Retail banking consists of a wide range of financial product services. These include deposit product, home loan, loan against equity shares, mortgage loan, auto loan, car loan, payment of bills, credit card, debit card etc. Such a diversified asset portfolios provide banks with higher profit relatively lower NPA (non Performing Assets). Upcoming as a new growth driver Over past few years, fierce competition has lowered the spread profitability from a commercial loan. Also, with the deregulation and increase in consumer loan rate, the risk adjusted return in retail sector has exceeded beyond the return on commercial loan. CRM tools The customer Service Quality implementation through use of CRM tools will help banks in acceptance of their banking product and satisfaction of customer that will eventually yield profit for them. Innovative product development In financial services there is an unlimited scope for development innovation. Banks should approach the customers to find out their financial need problem and accordingly structure their strategies towards the development of the product services, marketing them finally selling them to satisfy its customer. Increase in income With the increase in per capita income growth in urbanization the life style of people has changed. The needs aspirations of people have increased. Therefore, the role of retail banking has become important. By providing various products services like personal loan, education loan, home loan etc to its customer, the retail banking helps in maintaining the changing life style of its customers through affordable credit. Economies of scale Through Retail Banking, Banks can get the benefits of information transaction. Banks have access to more information through extended services. They should systematically record this customer information as it can help them in efficient utilization of this information, which in turn can be used in finding out new segmento of market to sell their new services. WEAKNESS Reduces the profitability Retail banking requires high capital investment as a huge amount is spent on managing the wide range of product service which further requires large staff high quality technology. All this reduces the overall banks profitability. Avoids corporate sector Retail banking avoids corporate sector which forms the backbone of Indian economy. Banks should properly manage their corporate clients through lower arte credit, higher amount of loan etc. Corporate clients are easily manageable as they have well defined financial policy projects. Changes in technology If banks are not able to match with the latest technology it may affect their growth. Also the technology requires huge amount of capital investment if suppose, the technology fails then it will affect the banks reputation the bank may lose some of its customer. Marketing Retail banking requires strong internal as well as external marketing strategies to be adopted by bank. Under retail banking the management needs those employees who can introduce product properly to their customers. The employees must be aware of the products they are offering because if this is not the case then it can lead to the failure of even a very good product. Also bank should spend a lot on its marketing of product to general public. All this increases the expenses of banks in terms of time cost required to introduce the product. OPPORTUNITIES 1) Increase in per capita income: There has been increase in the per capita income over the past few years is expected to grow in the future also. Moreover, the younger population is more comfortable in taking personal debt than previous generations. Their purchasing power has also increased due to economic growth more jobs. Also GDP of India is rising at a very good rate. Currently it is around 9% is expected to rise in the near future. Innovation in products services This segment has more scope for innovation as banks tries to provide more more products services to their customers as desired by them. Banks can continuously modify its products services to match the market demand sustain in this competitive era. 3) Growing Economy Retail banking has enormous opportunities in a growing economy like India. A.T. Kearney, a global mgnt. consulting firm, identified India as the 2nd most attractive retail destination among the 30 emergent markets. THREATS Large payout of loans The increasing competition has made the banks to disburse large no. of customer loans, auto loans, home loans, loans on credit cards, educational loans etc. on easy terms without much inquiry. Due to this the no. of case of default in loan repayment has increased. This in turn has increased the banks bad debts nonperforming assets (NPA). This was one of the major reasons for recession which has affected the world. 2) Customer privacy issues One of the major problems from customers point of view is that the customer service representatives of the banks ring up their customers at any time at their places of work, informing them about new products services. This may cause inconvenience to busy customers. Banks are also responsible for not sharing the personal information of the customers with any outside agencies like market research groups other advertisers. 3) Information Technology With the growth of IT, a number of frauds have aroused are carried out with the help of technology. These frauds come under the domain of cyber crimes. The unscrupulous elements have always attacked banks. In many cases these elements have stolen credit card no., password other confidential information relating to customer. For ex- Satyam scam. These elements have also hacked banks website. BANKING PRODUCT The banking product areas which have high growth potential can be classified as follows: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ HOUSING LOANS Housing loan comprises of 48% of all retail loans. The customer attitudes toward holding debt translated this market into a market that expanded with a rate of 35% annually from 1999 to 2004. Also the lending rates are not very high and the growing household income enables the borrower to make the payment of interests principal amount. Banks generally have tie ups with various real estate companies. This is to reduce to efforts on the side of customer for taking loans. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ VEHICLE LOANS Housing loan comprises of 27.2% of all retail loans. Car sales volume in 2004 increased to more than a million vehicles and annual growth in sales reached 954,354 in 2007. The sales of bikes have also increases. Banks provide various lucrative plans to finance your car or a bike. They often come up with various schemes which increases the sales of the vehicles help people fulfill their aspirations. India has become the 3rd largest market for cars MUVs. The growth drivers of this segment are easy finance, low interest rates, opening up of 2nd hand car finance up gradation of rider to four wheelers from two wheeler. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ SME BANKING Initially public sector banks in India focused only on big industries instead of small businesses. But today SME market in India has expanded beyond 4 million businesses. These businesses are growing, importing exporting and demanding more more complicated banking products and services. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ PERSONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES Banks provided this service to boost the financial status of individuals. The banks that can establish the right combination of account mgnt distribution infrastructure can avail the benefits from growing market for wealth management. The services can be saving income in bank accounts or investing in insurance ISSUES TO THE RETAIL-BANKING SECTOR The key policy issues in retail banking sector are: financial enclosure, accessibility to finance, protection of consumer his privacy, financial capability, responsible lending, regulation prevention of financial crime. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF RETAIL BANKING ADVANTAGES The advantages from the resource asset point of view are as follows: Resource Side Apart from current savings accounts, the deposits in retail banking are comparatively stable. These constitute core deposits. Helps in increasing the subsidiary business of the banks. They are interest insensitive in case of current savings accounts. The funds in this sector are the low cost funds. Helps in building a strong customer base. ASSETS SIDE For funds deployment, Retail banking is a good opportunity. When there is a high demand for banking products services, Retail banking need not require high marketing efforts. Consumer loans involve less amount of risk have perception of less NPA. Through investments in productivity activities, it helps in economic revitalization of the nation. Through affordable credit, this segment of banking improves lifestyle of the people fulfils the aspirations of the people. Diversified portfolio due to huge customer base reduces risk for a bank. DISADVANTAGES Huge capital investment is required in designing new financial products. It requires a lot of time cost for the bank. Today net banking is preferable over branch banking by customers. It is not possible for banks to retain their customers if their technology is not up to the mark. The customers wishing to use net banking will switch over to the services of some other bank. Various other financial products like mutual funds etc. attract customers towards themselves. Banks are not able to exploit the technology to an appropriate level Banks is spending heavily on human resource department for monitoring following up of large no. of loan accounts. In the absence of proper follow-up, long term loans like housing loan which involves long repayment term can become NPAs. As compared to wholesale banking, the amount borrowed in retail banking by a single customer is very low. Therefore, the bank is not able to make huge profits from a single customer. STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS IN RETAIL BANKING Banks should adopt the following strategies to achieve success in the retail banking sector. Adoption of advanced latest technology Availability of skilled man power in all branches offices Extensive market research should be carried out in order to formulate innovative competitive products services Managing relationship with customers by having an approach of customer relationship management. There should be balanced and sustained growth in deposits advances More more delivery channels should be explored Service quality should be improved with human touch giving the customers personal experience Proper strategic cost management should be adopted Constant focus should be there on Universal banking and financial supermarkets Cross Selling of Products Public Sector Banks have a wide network of branches. This provides them with added advantage over other banks. Through these branches banks have an opportunity as they can sell third-party products. Tie Up arrangements Public, private foreign banks should tie up enter into strategic alliance with other banks to extend their reach by having presence in various other regions. This will help them by enabling them to make benefits by reaching customers across the country. Business Process Outsourcing Outsourcing of various processes will save time cost. Eventually this will help the banks in concentrating on their core business area, that is, their core competency. For ex- Managing ATMs should be outsourced, which will save banks from dealing with something which is not their core competency. CHALLENGES TO RETAIL BANKING IN INDIA The key challenges before the bank is to strike a balance between credit growth quality of asset simultaneously and sustaining the profitability in the increasing interest rate scenario. With the advancement in technology, there has been increase in the responsibilities challenges for an IT department in managing, maintaining optimizing the performance of retail banking networks. According to credit rating agency CARE, in 2010-11, the non performing assets (NPAs) in the industry are expected to rise to 3.5 % of the total assets as compared to previous fiscal years 2.8 %. Therefore, measures should be adopted to reduce NPA. As per the RBIs instructions, banks are required to provide for 70% of the total bad loans on their books from Sep 2010. The new Base rate is yet to be implemented which will ensure transparency in the lending but will reduce banks profits as they will then be able to lend at or above base rate not below it. This may affect banks as they may lose their some customers to whom the loan were given at below PLR. RBI has also asked banks to provide interest on savings accounts on daily basis. This will put pressure on margins of banks. RBI is adopting various measures to reduce liquidity. They have increased CRR also increased Repo reverse repo rate. All this will impact the lending rate of banks as the interest rate will rise to reduce liquidity in market. But this will be a threat to banking sector. At this time when interest rates are higher interest rate volatility exists, the Current Account Saving Account (CASA) deposits help banks maintaining their margins. These accounts helps in maintaining the spread between the cost of funds interest earned in a period of high interest rates. In recent past, the outsourcing of various activities such as software hardware maintenance, entire ATM operation (including cash, refilling) etc. has become very important. The banks should have innovative strategic management approach to meet its customers needs requirements in terms of products or services. It is generally said that, it takes months to find a good customer but only seconds to lose him. Therefore, banks should have the strategy of Knowing Your Customer (KYC). To retain the ongoing trust of the public reputation, banks are supposed to meet their commitments take utmost care while serving their customers. In order to increase the market share profitability in the retail banking corporate banking, the customer loyalty is very important. As per the government order, banks have to align their accounting practices in line with the IFRS (International Financial Reporting System) within 2 more years. Limited no. of branches ATMs in rural areas. Less education or training is given to the people in rural areas who are illiterate dont know how to do avail the basic benefits from banking, forget about operating ATMs. If all these challenges are faced by the banks with utmost care and deliberation, the retail banking is expected to play a very crucial role in coming years. CONCLUSION Since the reforms in financial sector in India, Retail banking is facing a lot of competition. Today banks are on their toes for sustaining in existing business capturing new business. Banks are competing for increasing their retail business. Constant innovation should be there in retail banking in areas product development differentiation, marketing, micro-planning, prudent pricing, technological up gradation, customization, home / electronic / mobile banking, asset liability management effective risk management and t techniques. But in the Indian banks, there is very less little or no interest in innovative products. Innovation should not only in terms of technology or through internet or computers but it should be such that it benefits even the rural areas. You cant just really on technology become a tech savvy in a country where Internet penetration is only 1.65%. While retail banking offers exceptional growth opportunities, the challenges are equally discouraging. Therefore, banks should face the challenges optimistically make use of opportunities to make profit. The success in retail banking business depends on the kind of technology used the effectiveness of operations. This provides the banks an edge over their competitors. Furthermore, customer interest should be most important for becoming a responsible bank. The focus of this sector should not only remain to just increasing the per capita indebtedness but it should be in terms of creation of wealth at macro economical level. RECCOMENDATIONS The retail banking sector in India should adopt knowledge banking approach which is one of the differentiating strategies of Yes Bank who is among the top 10 innovative banks of the world. The focus should be there on sun rising sectors of economy like IT, Engineering, infrastructure logistics, food agriculture etc. These are sectors of economy have growth prospects. Banks should extend their operations to rural semi urban areas should have a responsible banking approach. This can be done by educating training people to avail the benefits of banking services which will not only help the banks in increasing their reputation but will also help them in long term perspective to increase the profits by tapping the untapped areas.

Defining And Analysing Astral Projection Philosophy Essay

Defining And Analysing Astral Projection Philosophy Essay Astral Projection is a conscious attempt to experience being outside of ones physical human body, while being both alive and preferably awake at the time.   It is an attempt to have a controlled OOBE or (out of body experience).   It is not linked in any way to ritualistic magic and does not rely on any particular religious or belief system.   There are techniques for achieving an OOBE.   As yet I havent heard of it being at all dangerous.   However attempting to leave ones physical body under the influence of medication or hallucinogenic drugs is seriously not recommended! What happens when people Astral Project? They have what is commonly referred to as an OOBE or out of body experience where a part of them, be it the soul or consciousness, rises up from their physical body and either travels on the physical plane or on the astral plane. What is the astral plane? A topic of debate: The astral plane however can be likened to the Akasha, namely a place where all the thoughts, memories, fantasies and dreams of everyone in the world exist. The astral plane is thought to be a fantastic place to travel in, with many different travellers, entities and levels to it.   It is said to operate at a much higher frequency than the physical plane we inhabit. It is thought that the etheric body, spirit or mind can travel on the astral plane, which is said to appear more solid than the physical plane we all inhabit, this is because in order to travel it, the etheric body has to be existing and operating at the same higher frequency.   According to some the astral plane is far more mutable than the physical and can be changed and altered simply by the power of thought. Can people learn to Astral Project at will? Yes there are techniques that can be learned but what degree of success is achieved depends solely upon the individual. Why would anyone want to have an Astral Projection?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some people find it reassuring.   If it is possible for your consciousness to exist outside of your body, then it is also possible that your consciousness may be able to survive physical death.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some people like to use the technique for spiritual reasons, maybe wanting to be at one with the universe or for some religious reason.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some people like to try it, simply to prove that it cant be done a negative approach.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some people like to use it for their own ends.   They use it as a tool for clairvoyance to leave their bodies and go and seek out information or even spy.   The CIA set up experiments to see if people could leave their bodies to glean information from the enemy.   The CIA did it because they were convinced that the Russians were doing it.   There term for this kind of Astral Projection is called Remote Viewing.   After mixed success and possibly a lack of funding the project was eventually abandoned.   We dont know how the Russians fared.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some people want to try it just because they can try it and they just want to see what it feels like. Who first discovered Astral Projection?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ancient Egyptians were possibly one of the first cultures to record beliefs about the soul.   Hieroglyphics in tombs recorded hundreds of prayers that were to be said over the body of the deceased to guide the spirit on its way.   They believed that the soul ba was housed in a spirit body the Ka an exact replica of the physical body.   This on death gave way to the sahu the true spirit body that would house the ba forever.   In life the Ka and sahu were one of the same but the ka slowly diminished until only the sahu housed the ba.   However the Egyptians also believed that the Ka could leave the body during life and drew pictures of people sleeping with their Kas or souls floating above them.   This is very similar to the modern day descriptions of NDEs (Near Death Experiences).   Here the soul leaves the body at the point of death only to return again if the person is resuscitated.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Tibetans believe in the bardo body, which can leave the physical body while still alive and can also pass through physical matter because it is made of psychic material.   The bardo body can be directed wherever by will.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ancient Greeks believed in a double body, which housed the soul.   Plato believed that the soul was freed on death but could also leave the body during life and when it did it perceived the physical world as dimly lit.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dean Sheils, in research published in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research in 1978   A Cross-cultural Study of Beliefs in Out of Body Experiences, compared the believe systems of over 60 different cultures and found that fifty four of them had some concept of astral projection or astral travel and that half of them had also believed that it is possible for this to happen consciously and while alive.   Almost half claimed that certain members of their cultures could do this at will.   Only three cultures seemed to have no concepts or beliefs about this subject.   Those that did seemed to accept it as a normal and natural part of human existence. Source: (A Beginners Guide to Astral Projection by Richard Craze Hodder Stoughton 1999 ISBN: 0340 737557 What does modern science make of it? A man called Raymond A. Moody PhD. M.D. is often thought as the father of NDEs and has written a very popular book Life after Life on the subject. According to Richard Craze in his book A Beginners Guide to Astral Projection over the last 45 years there has been a more scientific approach taken.   The first major study was done in 1951 was by someone called Muldoon and Carrington.   They collected and collated over 100 cases of OOBEs.   They found that their research did indicate a double that could live consciously outside the physical body and that could also survive the death of the individual.   Richard Crookhall has also written many books on astral projection, and he states a number of recurrent themes. What are these recurrent themes?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some form of double.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A white light or illumination.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ability to travel at will.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Inability to move or use physical objects.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Feelings of tranquility and detachment.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A clear consciousness of what is happening.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A sense of realness. How is an OOBE most likely to be brought about?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By a NDE due to illness or exhaustion.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By an NDE due to accident.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Deliberately by people trying to leave their physical bodies.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By the application of drugs such as anesthetics.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By trauma or shock. What do the sceptics think?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is purely a mental state explained by complex chemical reaction.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An autoscopic hallucination.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cerebral anoxia or lack of oxygen to the brain. How common is the phenomena?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Possibly between 5 and 10% of the population, which suggests around 6 million in the U.K or as much as 30 million in the United States. Have there been reports of people seeing OOBE people while they were out?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Yes, which increases the likelihood that OOBEs are not purely tricks of the mind. How many types of OOBE are there?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Two voluntary and involuntary, one involves a conscious effort to leave ones body where the double is rarely or only faintly seen; and involuntary, say through an accident or trauma where the double is usually seen. What is a typical OOBE?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A typical OOBE only usually happens once in a lifetime.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Most often occurs lying down either resting or just before sleeping.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is a feeling of floating or soaring, usually upwards.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is mostly adult women who experience the phenomenon although if you are a student you are even more likely to do so.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A typical case suggests some form of connection to the physical body, possibly by way of a silver cord.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are few reported cases of leaving the room, but there is a sense of realness and viewing the normal world.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Feelings of pleasantness, detachment and calmness often accompany an OOBE.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The person feels that the experience is real and although they feel the ability to go anywhere they rarely wish to do so.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   No ability or desire to change or move physical objects in their vicinity. Who has OOBEs?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many women and more often than not students probably due to their lifestyle and interests.   They are more likely to have heard about OOBEs and possibly more keen to try it. Are OOBEs simply a form of dreaming?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Definitely not because the sense of reality experienced is far too strong.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Scientific results show that people undergoing OOBEs are not dreaming and they are not experiencing REM. Briefly, alpha waves decrease indicating a calm state and beta waves increase indicating that the volunteer is awake.   There is an increase in heart and respiration rates suggesting the presence of some stimulus or activity. Are OOBEs like NDEs?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An NDE or Near Death Experience is really just a different form of OOBE that is brought about when a person is at the point of death or just died.   It is more akin to passing over to the other side, seeing ones life flash before them and traveling down a dark or light tunnel towards the light, God or whatever you wish to call it. What is a typical NDE?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   People who are seriously ill hear themselves being declared dead, upon which a series of events are triggered, such as moving quickly down a tunnel and hearing unfamiliar noises.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They find themselves at the end of the tunnel and can usually see their own bodies being worked on by medical staff.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They sense that they have a form of body somewhat different to the one that they left behind and also become aware of deceased friends and relatives coming to help them cross to the other side.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They report an entity or being of light that plays their life review and every second that they have lived, but not judgmentally.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The beings of light are always described as full of love.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They are often told to return to their bodies and that their time on earth is not yet over.   Often there is a reluctance to return.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On their return they find words difficult to express the magnitude of the experience that they felt.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There views on life after death, tend to be radically altered and fear of death tends to diminish. How many types of NDE are there?    ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are two PNDEs (perceived NDEs, where the person has a suspicion that they are about to die) and UNDEs (unexpected NDEs, where the person is quite shocked to find themselves in a near death situation). Is the experience the same for both?  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   No PNDEs tend to be associated with an accompanied journey with deceased loved ones to another world with another body replacing the one left behind. UNDEs are associated more with near fatal falls, electric shocks or drowning to elicit a response.   From here the person usually has a flashback of their life accompanied by feelings of happiness or peace.   There are not usually reports of a body instead feelings of just being that the person becomes pure thought or mind.   There is often a sudden return to their physical body. Is Astral Projection a popular topic on your website? Yes my monitoring software suggests that it is very popular. Do you have any good reference sources? Yes please visit my website and view astral projection alternatively see below. Sources: Any excerpts for this FAQ section taken from a book by >Richard Craze A Beginners Guide to Astral Projection by Hodder Stoughton 1999 ISBN: 0340 737557 Afterlife Knowledge   College of Psychic Studies International Association for Near Death Studies Life After Life Raymond A. Moody PhD. M.D.   Near Death Experiences HYPERLINK The Afterlife    Society for Psychical Research  

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Jim Morrison and Susan Sontag :: History

Jim Morrison and Susan Sontag Jim Morrison is the lead singer of the classic rock and roll band "The Doors". Jim Morrison not only was the lead vocalist in the famous sixties band, he was also the writer of most but not all of The Doors songs and the author of many poems. Susan Sontag is an accomplished author. Some of Susan Sontag's works include essays, reviews, editing, novels and short stories. Although at first Jim Morrison and Susan Sontag appear to have nothing or very little in common, both because of Jim Morrison's main influence coming from author Friedrich Nietzsche, who believed in existentialism (a body of ethical thought centering about the uniqueness and isolation of individual experiences in a universe indifferent or even hostile to man, regarding human existence as unexplainable, and emphasizing man's freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of his acts), and Susan Sontag's writings following a style of existentialism, both Jim Morrison and Susan Sontag's works focus constantly on relating the message of placing blame on oneself in order to obtain a more perfect soul. Born James Douglas Morrison on December 8 1843 in Melbourne Florida to parents Steve and Clara Morrison(Hopkins, Sugerman 5). A few months after the birth of Jim Morrison, Jim's father Steve and his mine layer were sent off to fight in World War Two. For the next three years Jim's mother Clara, was forced to raise Jim with only the help of sympathizing relatives who believed in ideas such as "Children should be seen and not heard ... Ignore something unpleasant and it will go away... "(Hopkins, Sugerman 5). This constant barrage of negativity may have been one of the first factors leading to Jim's beliefs in existentialism. The way in which the negativity lead to Jim's belief is that through the constant attack, Jim began to feel as if he were responsible for all of the mishaps occurring in the family. This feelings that Jim had, showed his first signs of becoming an existentialist, because feelings of responsibility are one of the common characteristics of many existentialist authors, musicians and artists. A second event in Jim Morrison's life, that may have been a reason for Jim becoming a existentialist occurred while Steve Morrison, Jim's father, was driving through New Mexico when "They [The Morrison Family] came upon an overturned truck, and saw injured and dying Pueblo Indians lying where they had been thrown on the asphalt" (Hopkins, Sugerman 6).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Biography Of Miles Davis Essay -- Jazz, Biographical, Music

Biography of Miles Davis Born on May 26, 1926, Miles Davis is considered to be one of the most influential jazz musicians in history. Being a trumpeter, keyboardist, composer, and band-leader, Miles is responsible for the popularization of many styles of jazz throughout his long and prolific career. Miles Dewey Davis was born into a well-to-do family in the town of Alton, Illinois. The family owned a large portion of a farm where Miles learned to ride horses as a young boy. In 1927 the family moved to East St. Louis. Miles' mother, Cleota Henry, encouraged him to play the violin while his father bought him a trumpet when he turned thirteen and arranged his first lesson with trumpeter Elwood Buchanan. One of the main reasons Miles' father chose the trumpet is due to the fact Cleota was annoyed by its sound. His teacher stressed a style of play that did not involve vibrato. Miles carried this style throughout his entire career. Buchanan would rap Miles' knuckles with a ruler every time he used vibrato. Miles had numerous offers from bands when in high school but his mother insisted he finish school before he continued with his music career. In 1944, the Billy Eckstine band came to St. Louis. Prominent jazz figures during the time including Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker were part of the band. Due to one of the band members being ill, Miles took on the position of third trumpet for a couple weeks. After the band resumed its normal condition, Miles was left behind to finish his academic studies as requested by his parents. ... ...ived the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. Due to constant health issues in his later years, Miles passed at the age of 65 due to stroke, pneumonia and respiratory failure. Though Miles Davis' life ended at a rather early age, he left behind work that no other could attempt to emulate. His music is still enjoyed by those of all ages and will be renowned for the future of jazz music. Works Cited 1. "Miles Davis." Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 6 Aug. 2007 . 2. "Miles Davis." Wikipedia. 6 Aug. 2007 . 3. "The Biography of Miles Davis." 6 Aug. 2007 .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

New System Proposal Essay

I feel that a business requirement would drive the projects creation and use because this will help the company, business, or organization deliver to provide value. There are many ways such has products, systems, software, and processes are the ways how to deliver or meet the business requirement. First you would need to set some goals for the business, company, or organization these needs need to be visualiable to the eye. So everyone can see them. Secondly you would need to come up with some proposals on how the company, business, or organization will meet the goal that they have set. You and the team should set an agenda to work on so you and the team can have the proper documentation for the goals that you have made for the business, company, or organization. Always notify the proper people about the goals that you set , that way no one can say that they did not know about the goals.Always leave room for feedback from others in your requirements and a flowchart that will be good to have to present along with the requirements, People get a better understanding of what is being said if they have something to look at, this will show what is expected and what have been achieve. But always keep in mind that different projects requirement call for different requirements example small projects are usually simple and easy to create, large projects may need extra care and mastery to be able to present a quality requirement.There are four prerequisites the first is the project charter and second is the current environment assessment which should include a start and end point, level two and three process functions, define areas of rework and non value added steps, cycle time capacity and rework information for each process step as available and baseline for each CTO for the current environment. Third is the measure phrase the the current measures that includes a definition of how the product services characteric is to be quantified target/nominal is the aim of the ser vices specification limits is what the customer will allow in the delivery of services or product of service. Allowable defect rate is how often a service or product will be produce for a business, company, or organazation. Fourth is the target environment assessment that has the following categories people, systems, systems/people and fishbone. The business requirement can be a success or a failure for your business, company, or organization that depends on how work to succeed with the goals that you made in order for your business, company, or organization . Who makes goals and not strive for success. Reference Business-requirement.

Of Mice and Me Essay

Of mice and men is a photographic photograph about life in a ranch, well done, with a low work out but with a shell out of creativity. The directors ar Gary Since and Horton Foot, Since plays an important tell in the exact as George. The other main actors atomic number 18 deception Malcovich as Lenny and Sherlin Flynn as Curleys married woman. Very replete(p) actors and know how to ensure each characters. Curleys wife has a rattling low profile in comparison with the book.Well the film s acrimoniouss when they miss from weed because they think Lenny raped a girl. They go to a ranch to work. in that location is a guy named permed who hates well-favored guys analogous Lenny, he has a wife who likes to flirt with men at the ranch. Curly has a fight with Lenny and Lenny breaks Curleys hand. They guess he caught it in a machine. oversupply and Lenny tell dulcorate about their envisage and they decide to do it together. Lenny is playing with a pup and he realizes its d ead, suddenly Curleys wife gets in they start public lecture and she says to him to touch her hare. He dose it so hard she starts to scream and Lenny gets nervous and he ends up killing her. He runs away. Candy tells the guys and they go and look for Lenny. Gorge arrives runner and while he is telling him their envisage he kills him.The give out of Lenny its grate. The actor was suddenly chosen in the physical office and its interpretation as Lenny its full like I imagined in the book. The part of George was nifty but not perfect. In the book talks a lot and has a very tight kind with slim and he treats Lenny very soberly in the film he is more(prenominal) quiet and more gentile with Lenny. I personally did not like Curleys wife. In the book they describe her like a tart. She likes to where fancy dresses and feathers. In the film she is more reserved and less flirty.The melody and lights play a major part in the film. For example the sins in the tend house are always da rk, with very little light in the fondness of the bunk house. A very good example of music its when George is lead to the pool at the ending they set apart nervous music because George its nervous, that makes a king-sized effect in the audience.The novel is a protest novel with deep fill but in the feel this is not so clear. The film could represent these themes in a better way if Curleys wife was more of a tart or if crooks part was the same as in the book, longer and expressing more petulance feelings.I would recommend this film that for people who read the book because it helps to hear many aspects but for people who did not red it could be very black and boring. This film its good besides as a complement of the book. Its good to rescue the actuation of John Malcovich who did a brilliant part and the good music and light effects.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Is It Best to Live with Roommates? Essay

Is it best to know with roomies? Or is it best to live al maven? in that locations no right or wrong firmness of purpose to this question and forefathert let some(prenominal)one tell you separatewise. Its a personal decision that exclusively apartment dwellers are entitled to make, and your answer should depend on what you sine qua non at the time youre looking to rent. If you requisite help deciding whether to live with a roommate, consider the common reasons why state choose one route oer the other.Reasons to Have a Roommate at that place are many good reasons to accommodate a roommate. See if any of these reasons draw to you * You wont be lonely. even up if youre not close with your roommate, having a roommate means having someone else around, so you wont become to sense lonely. * Youll gain convenience. Having a roommate adds convenience. For instance, if you earn different schedules, a roommate clear feed your pet or pissing the plants when youre not at shoe s to do it. If you go out of town, your roommate back tooth tell you about any important mail you receive.* Youll save currency. When you take a shit a roommate, youll save money in several ways. First, you washbasin rent a larger apartment that would give you some(prenominal) more room and more value. Youll as well split utility bills and the cost of groceries, among other apartment expenses. Plus, if you or your roommate produce (even if you just do the basics), cooking for devil (or three or more) norm whollyy saves money over cooking for just one. * Youll confound help. With a roommate, you puke split the chores need to keep your apartment in shape. So, you wont have to be the one to do grocery shopping all the time. Or, if you become the designated grocery shopper, your roommate can take on other errands that you would normally have to do. Sharing errands helps lighten the core for both of you.Reasons Not to Have a RoommateMany people revalue the reasons in favor o f having a roommate but feel that the reasons for living unaccompanied present a much stronger case. You shouldnt live with a roommate if* You necessitate more privacy. If you live alone, youll almost for sure have more privacy than if you live with others. Simply stated, not having roommates means you can do what you want, when you want it. For instance, you can have guests over as you please or get home late and go forth early without having to worry about pitiful a roommate.* You dont want to risk problems. Although having a roommate can be a rewarding experience, on that point are many types of problems that may resurrect in a roommate relationship. These hunt from lifestyle conflicts (think of a roommate who likes to ferment guitar while you need peace and even-tempered to study or do work) to monetary issues (think of a roommate who has trouble give his share of the rent and expenses). Living alone is the only way to guarantee that no(prenominal) of these problem s ever arises.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

As individuals become more conscious of your product, make certain they have easy to not only your own product, but to information concerning the item also.The cellular phone is easy to carry, manages schedules, and can perform all the business related tasks. The size itself has become important apart from mobility. The concept that we how are launching is of a radio and music player which is latest in the sense that you can wear it as a fashion accessory. Radio is considered to be one of the most important media apart from television and internet.The item needs to be technologically feasible.20 are extremely popular within the target market. The major target market for our product is the age between 15 and 26. According to the statistics, 30 million Pakistanis how are aged between 15 and 24. Considered in the context of total population (approx.

Think beyond the box, if you wish to launch check your merchandise into the market with a bang.This generation is the technologically accessorized generation, with everything hanging from their clothes, from cell phones to CD players, and computers are a way of life. This is a branded generation, brand names, association with the great life and other different symbols are important. The emerging concept of brand association amongst teens and adults, and awareness will make our product more appealing to the customers. Our Primary objective is to achieve get our product recognized and make the consumers to get performance of the product way much better than their expectations.For instance, you might provide a product that is quality that is high at even a support that is flexible or a premium cost.The higher secondary data for our assignment came from the internet, newspapers and magazines.Current Market Situation:The current market situation is that from the cheapest of cellular phones to the most expensive, every smart phone has at least a radio in it that works from earphones that do the job of an antenna or the smart phones carry wireless radio connectivity. Other than that most phones have music players. In such a market where mobile phones are treated as a necessity from quite a long while we’d enter with a product that has a awful lot of internal memory, long batter and works hand in hand with the fashion.

Even if your merchandise is the most recent economic advancement in the business it is likely to result in complete failure if theres no effective route to get to the target group of consumers.The basic concept that we are launching is of an earring radio and music player which is latest in the sense that you can abrasive wear it as a fashion accessory. We are  launching it under the brand name LAPCA. Radio is considered to be one of the most important media apart from television logical and internet. The major source in use during cricket matches, exercising in the morning and during traveling for work or school.Paid political Advertising How you promote your product is as vital as distribution.People would not need to get their ears pierced to wear long earrings and we bring music player and radio attached to such a small earpiece that would not be noticed much (like the other offerings of attached Bluetooth insert earphones that appear too large).Objectives and issues:Incr ease the profits by at least 10% in the first year of the launch. Issue: How to significant increase the awareness amongst customers about this product?To create 10% market share for the product and to work to improve it further. Issue: What great measure to take to identify the potential customers of the product in the market?To identify 5 potential outlets where to place the product initially.

Each approach good will be different consistent with service or the merchandise youre offering.We will market our product through multiple segment strategy, as we are be targeting GEN X and GEN Y belonging to upper class and upper middle class of our society. Through integral multiple marketing, Moby X can achieve market position as because it is a product which provides mobility, style and fulfills the needs of the consumers.Moby X is a part of the clinical most reliable and trusted technologies belonging to LAPCO which is using Japanese latest technology in it which would further strengthens the reputation it would acquire. Now days, how there is a growing trend of adopting the inimitable style which people will definitely feel after purchasing the product.Following that, you ought to be aware of customers will assign to your merchandise.Market Positioning:Moby X has been positioned in the customers mind as a part of their lifestyle it impeccable suited their personality. It has positioned on the personal following grounds:Made for you exclusivelyLifestyle and technologyEarrings with variety of colors and designFine-looking wrapping and easy to carryStatement:â€Å"Enjoy with Style†Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Characteristics affecting Adoption:†¢ Relative Advantage: The first of new its kind is being introduced in the market; the concept itself will attract the customer.†¢ Compatibility: Moby X higher range of frequency will make it easier to add main channel and thus more value to the product. Secondly, memory of 20GB to carry your songs and making of playlists.

Marketing is a fundamental important part of business achievement.Age:Our product caters to women ranging from age 15-26 yrs old. Moreover, through our advertisements we have portrayed an active woman who is cold working out or busy in kitchen chores.Occupation:Moby X targets women belonging to each and every type of occupation whether it is a housewife, student logical and working women.Income:Our product Moby X caters to upper class and upper middle class.At times it is helpful to look at recent publication marketing as what it is actually a enterprise.SWOT AnalysisStrengthensBeing first of its kind to be launched in the marketThe smaller sizeThe mobilityThe attractive package and demo included in the gadgetThe exquisite location of electronic gadget’s other outlets in different mallsEasy to useIn accordance with the latest fashionAttractive mix of radio and music player hand in hand as a same fashion accessory Japanese technology, one of the most reliable manufactures WeaknessLimited warrantyRequires proper maintenanceBatteries are to be charged according to usage level thus requires cost to keep the little gadget workingOpportunitiesThe customers are fond of accessories which can help extend our accessories from earrings to rings, bracelets and necklace fair Hearing radio can replace the care tapes as being mobile and fashionable in nature Being a new product creating a new market the competition is minimized to a first great extent The distinctive attributes will outweigh the element of high price The opening of the new malls throughout the country with better electronic outlets will provide a better location to display the gadget There is an opportunity for line extensionNew technology is in its growing stage which helps attract customers with new its distinctive attributes The interests of teenagers in acquiring latest technology will further increase the market share Computer system placed at the electronic outlets could self help provide fr ee demos of the product at the outlet A survey at the outlet about the buying experience of the product and after sale experience can great help make the product more effective and increased customer satisfaction The smaller size and mobility if appreciated could provide line extension for the productThreatsThe electronic market is still under developed in PakistanThe fluctuating electronic logical and political conditions of the country can hinder the sale of the product Less awareness amongst the public about the electronic items The training of sales person for the productCompetitors can come up start with a similar and better product before our product is established The higher price of the product could lead to duplicate products in the market The health conscious people could negative resist the productThe fashion conscious people may not take the initiative to buy the productThe analytical buyerMarketing Environments (PEST ANALYSIS)Political:The fluctuating political environm ent in the country can be dangerous. Since the gross product being developed is manufactured in another country the support of the government is required to keep the government conditions in import and export stable logical and to strengthen relationships with the other country to grow the business further. Economical:The product that is being launched is an expensive product the economic conditions will determine the national income or the buying power of the consumer which indirectly will determine whether the people would be willing on the products that are not part of their basic needs.Social:Since the product is an earring radio and music player which would be fixed in an earring placed quite close to the ear can be considered as dangerous unlooked for the ear.

Your marketing program should begin with an executive summary.Moby X direct competitors are small radios (ear piece) and new mp3 players that can fit in ear easily.COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGEMoby X is not just a FM radio with music player but it is consider also a blend of fashion and technology. Long lasting Japanese battery gives it an edge over other mini radios logical and music players that have maximum life of 2-48 hours on continuous use. Providing maximum FM band range from 87-108 MHz among new its competitors who offer mini radios with FM band 88-108 MHz Furthermore, adding value to the music player with 20GB built-in memory which wouldn’t look small for at least 10-15 years from now.You want a marketing program, to increase your organization.Channel and former logisticA value delivery network is made up of the company, suppliers, distributors and ultimately customers. Here will be a layer of intermediaries that good will perform work in bringing our product and its o wnership closer to the final buyer. For our earring local radio and music player we will have both a direct and indirect marketing channel. We will have a customer marketing channel.

Marketing own plans are included in business plans, offering data demonstrating investors the way the corporation will increase and first and foremost how they how are going to guarantee a return on investment.LEVELS OF PRODUCTCore ProductMoby X provides a solution to its users that connect them to the global world and at the thk same time add value to their beauty. It is smallest in size but greater in quality and style that’s what the consumers want. Actual ProductMoby X, an earring radio and a music player.Augmented ProductCustomers are provided with the free demos of the product on computer system installed at the outlets and for further understanding, instruction booklet is also provided with Moby X.In addition, it can be explained as a method which helps a business to choose the best common use of its assets to achieve corporate aims.PRODUCT COMPOSITIONProduct Quality:Moby X works great, everywhere in the world, under brand name LAPCO using Japanese microchip techn ology logical and providing the FM band from 87 to 108 MHz’s Stereo-sound is really excellent plus 3-years money back warranty is also given. Product Features:Push-button Auto Seek new Microchip Technology so you can immediately and perfectly tune in stations (Automatic FM Tuning).Provides high quality stereo sound.Long last many Japanese battery included.

Seemingly, however good it is, a plan cant implement itself.Ideal for use in parties, sports, travels, hiking, working, Jogging, bike riding, boating, fishing, picnics, reading, camping, skate boarding, gift giving, foot and vehicle surveillance, to pass the time while waiting for subject, anywhere, everywhere, in the form of earring as simple microchip (radio). A music player main memory of 20GB built-in.Product Style and Design:It comes in many splendid colors with different style for female. It is designed in a way so as to increase portability.The advertising program would then summarize the objectives which need to be achieved in order to achieve the fifteen percent increase.Packaging:Moby X what comes in a square and heart shaped gift box.Labeling:All the important information is mentioned on the label. The label contains the name of the product, name of the manufacturer and distributors, warranty limit, warnings, guidelines on usage.Product Support:A booklet on guideline s regarding the product is provided with Moby X.

Done properly, your advertising plan is currently going to be the detailed roadmap you follow enhance the achievement of your company and to acquire customers.The price is aligned with other marketing mix covering the promotion, placement and product.Cost:The political organization has tried to achieve economies of scale but not the cost of quality. The cost is being monitored and is kept to a minimum by choosing the best second deals given by the supplier and managing the cost accordingly.Organizational Considerations:The price set has been influenced by different functions of the organization including the finance, manufacturer, sales logical and marketing and the higher  management.With your promotion plan bundle, you will have the ability to construct a advertising and marketing program.44ZI AM Radio Rs. 8405Tiny FM Radios (China Toy Factory Inc)Rs.1200Mini Mp3sRs. 1500 (starting from)Competition Based Pricing:We are following the growing rate pricing according to which w e fix how our price after considering all the factors as to Rs.

PROMOTIONMoby X being a new product in the market would require intensive advertising. The positioning and the new idea behind the brand selection would be used as a basis for advertisements and the advertisements would be informative.ADVERTISINGRadio:Radio FM channels would be able to attract the major cream who could use our product and create a positive word of mouth for others. Since they being the regular radio good listeners would be excited to use this product as they could carry the radio with them.Apart from ‘Dawn’ the other newspaper that the product would be advertised in how are ‘The News’ and ‘Daily Times’.Magazines:Moby X being a technology product it would be advertised in magazines as ‘SHE’ a leading magazine. Another magazine that is famous amongst out flat major target segment the teens is ‘Young Times’. It is Dubai based magazine is especially for kids.Television:The few major channels as HUM TV and GEO TV will be given the task to advertise the on line a website providing information regarding new technologies, a famous website viewed by most of the Pakistanis and Apniisp.Action ProgramsJuly: We good will launch a sales promotion campaign in Karachi city which should be estimated at around RS. 2 Million. During this period our main aim is to make the consumers aware of the product through excessive adverts it is  essential for us to educate our dealers and consumers properly. Our main conscious awareness campaigns will be concentrated toward the television and internet it will fix in a relatively low and economical budget.