Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Professional Mentoring program for Community Health Workers Essay

Professional Mentoring program for Community Health Workers - Essay Example n.p). For this reason, the group, through its organizers seeks funding for a part-time coordinator and stipends for participants in the program. The users of the program services will mostly constitute the unemployed people in Florida community, the adults in the local college, and any other group that the Florida Community Health coalition may refer to the group. The group targets adult students from a local community college with a purpose of offering professional health education, promotion, and care services such counseling and social support. The program is in collaboration with the Florida Community health worker CHW profession to offer skills in health and outreach in community-based setting such the homes, businesses, worship centers, and community centers. The other participants are the Federal qualified health centers and other health organizations in the area aiming at bringing sense to the residents on health living and good diet. The program will also connect the locals to the necessary bodies offering services such as insurance and making follow-ups on their progress. The other education for the adult students will be on drugs and drug abuse to help the young people on matters of healthy living by avoiding indulging themselves in drugs. Our group noted that there is a knowledge gap in our community and students studying at the local college on matters concerning health and common ailments. The mentoring period is three to six months depending on the availability of the mentor and his schedule. Community health workers are very useful in the society, and their services are vital to a healthy community. The program will equip the local people with skills of maintaining high health standards through providing first aid and nutrition information by the CHWs. The other purpose of the mentorship program will be to visit the residents in their homes and

Monday, October 28, 2019

A Country Political Instability Economics Essay

A Country Political Instability Economics Essay As we know that, a country political instability or stability is an important issue to foreign invest. India has been instable politically in the past but it is a slight politically stable in these years. Therefore, our company is investing to the India capital market. There two important political factors that our company need pay attention is employee law and taxation. Furthermore, the  Minimum Wages Act, 1948  provides for implementation of minimum wages in respect of arranged employments in India. From year 2011, the National Floor Level of Minimum Wage has been greater than before from rupee 80 to rupee 115 per day. Besides that, according to Factories Act, 1948, all manufacturing that is more than 10 employee and carrying manufacturing activities meaning of Factory. Our company is manufacturing cooking oil business in India, and the worker is more than 10 people, so, our company have to supplies for the health, safety, welfare, working hours and leave of workers in factorie s. The second political factor taxation that need to coverage is corporate tax. According to the income tax Act, 1961 provides the specific statutes for other taxes. There are two type of corporate tax such domestic company and foreign company. Our company is foreign company, therefore we need to pay 42.23% (40% plus surcharge of 2.5% and education cess of 3%) taxable income exceeds INR 10miilion to the India government. It will affect our company by reducing profit due to payment corporate tax to India government. Besides that, Malaysia and India agree to make a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (Miceca). The MICECA is a comprehensive Agreement between Malaysia and India that covering Investment, Economic Cooperation, Trade in Services and Trade in Goods. Therefore, our company can across trade in services, goods (cooking oil) and investments that principal to progressive initial of markets by both India and Malaysia.   Moreover, these market access opportunities are estimated to translate into more freedom movement of investment, professionals, goods and services between the two countries. In addition, MICECA will also provide for strategic partnerships between Malaysian and Indian businesses, such as joint ventures in services sectors by healthcare, construction, and franchising. Economic Analysis Economic is important issue that influenced by area unique to economy and comprised by economy or directly influenced by economy, areas such as exchange rates, purchase power (GDP), inflation rate, and interest rate. From the chart shown that exchange rate between Malaysia and India are 17.82985. So, 100 Malaysian Ringgit multiply exchange rate 17.82985 and we will receive 1,782.985 Indian Rupee. A strong currency is making export more difficult due to price is raise in terms of foreign currency. Changes in the  exchange rate  also effects on the economy affecting variables such as the demand for imports and exports, inflation, real GDP growth, and business  profits. Once the exchange rate between Malaysia and India is reduce, it will affect our cooking oil business reduce the profit. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in India is expanded 0.8 per cent in the second quarter of 2012 over the previous quarter. It provides an aggregate measure of changes in value of the services and goods produced by an economy. A change in GDP, whether increase or decrease, typically has an important effect on the stock market. For example, bad economy commonly receives lower profit for a business and which in turn means lower stock prices. From the graph, it is shown India economic is going recession. And it will affect our company getting low profit. The inflation rate in India was recorded at 7.81 per cent in September of 2012. With inflation, our company are paid a fixed rate of interest on loans and rental, so, we have been increase purchase power and receiving benefit from interest earnings. Besides that, inflation affect our company by aggravate higher wage demands from employees and raise costs. Besides that, interest rate is also an important issue to affect economy. Lower interest rate helps it easier for people to borrow in order to buy homes and cars. Nowadays, the interest rate in India was reported at 8.00 per cent. It means that, higher interest rates in India make our company to pay more loans in interest rate. Social-Culture Analysis Population in India Population in India increased to 1250 Million in December of 2011 from 1200 Million in December of 2010, according to a report provides by the World Bank. The population of India represents 18 per cent of the world ´s overall population which possibly means that one person in every six people on the earth is a resident of India.   Population map of India From the picture above show that, Mumbai 12,448,447, Delhi 11,007,835, Bangalore 8,426,970, Hyderabad 6,509,970, Ahmadabad 5,470,585, Chennai 4,683,087, Kolkata 4,482,679, Surat 4,461,002, Pune 3,215,431, Jaipur 3,173,350. Urban areas surrounding Cities are called Urban Agglomeration.   Age distributions in India According to CIA World Fact book, the India age structure of 0-14 years is  29.7% which is male standing for 187,450,635 and female standing for 165,415,758.The range of 15-64 years is 64.9% which is male 398,757,331 and the female is 372,719,379. And last range 65 years and over:  5.5% which is male 30,831,190 and female 33,998,613. Besides that, the total median age of India 26.5 years, male median age is 25.9 years, and female median age is 27.2 years. Religion in ` In this country India is a country where people are free to choose to believe in which religion. The majority of 82% of people are believed in religion Hindu. 14% of people is believed Muslim, 2% come from Sikh religion and 2 % come from other religion.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Life of Frederick Douglass :: American History Slavery Narratives Essays

The Life of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass was born in Tuckahoe, Maryland, near Hillsborough. He doesn’t know for sure of his age, he has seen no proof and his master will not inform him. Most masters prefer for their slaves to stay ignorant. He believes that he was around twenty-seven and twenty-eight when he began writing his narrative - he overheard his master say he was about seventeen years of age during 1835. His mother, Harriet Bailey, was separated from him when he was an infant and she died when he was seven years old. Frederick’s father was a white man who could have been his master but he never found out. Education was of utmost importance in his life. He received his first lesson while living with Mr. and Mrs. Auld. Sophia Auld, Frederick’s "mistress", was very humane to him and spent time teaching him the A, B, C’s. After he mastered this, she assisted him in spelling three and four letter words. At this point in his lesson Mr. Auld encountered what his wife was doing for Frederick and forbid her to continue. He believed that "if you give a nigger an inch, he will take an ell" and continuing with "learning would spoil the best nigger in the world". The masters felt that an ignorant slave formed a choice slave and any beneficial learning would damage the slave and therefore be futile to his master. His next step on the road to success was during his seven years living with Master Hugh’s family. Frederick would make friends with as many white boys as he possibly could on the street. His new friends would be transformed into teachers. When he could, Frederick carried bread on him as a means of trade to the famished kids for knowledge. He would also carry a book anytime he had an errand to run. The errand would be completed quickly, allowing extra study time. When Frederick was working in Durgin and Bailey’s ship-yard he would notice timber marked with various letters. He soon discovered how the letters matched the type of wood and the names of these letters. Any boy he met that could write he would challenge them to a writing contest. Frederick would use the letters he recently learned and told the child to challenge that. He then copied the Italics in Webster’s Spelling Book until he knew them well.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pest Analysis of KfC Essay

1.0: introduction Kentucky fried chicken also knows as KFC, the world most large and well knows fast food restaurant that have more than 10 thousands locations worldwide in more than 80 countries. People from younger age to older age also know the slogan of KFC, which is â€Å"Finger lickin’ Good†, and the old man with white suits hand holding a black color crutch. Nowadays, we can see KFC in any shopping centre, or some popular location. We can get service or their product easily, it really convenient. I want to conduct a PEST analysis of this company. First I have to cover the history of KFC, and hat services and products that KFC provide. History of KFC KFC, Kentucky fried chicken is born at year 1950 at a remarkable pace from one road side restaurant into an internationally renowned restaurant chain. KFC is founded by Harland Sanders in Corbin, Kentucky. He was born on a small farm in Henryville, Indiana, America, in 1890. Sanders open his first restaurant in a small front room of a gas station in Corbin, Kentucky. He had names the dining area as â€Å"Sanders Court & Cafà ©.† In year 1936, Kentucky Governor Ruby Laffoon makes Sanders an honorary Kentucky Colonel in recognition of his recognition of his contributions to the state’s cuisine. Sanders also developed a unique, quick method of spicing and pressure – frying chicken. Finally, the business growth exceeded until he cannot handle, so he sold it to a group of people formed the Kentucky Fried chicken. In 1964 Sanders sold Kentucky Fried Chicken to an investor group headed by John Y. Brown, Jr. and Nashville financier John (Jack) Massey that Colonel Sanders still was Kentucky Fried Chicken Goodwill Ambassador for helping and giving suggestion. Sanders Colonel died in 1980 he was 90 year old. Although he is no longer with us, his philosophies of hard work and excellent service we provide to our customers will always be a part of KFC tradition. Products and services The main product of KFC of cause is the original fried chicken. After this, the spicy fried chicken is coming up next. Except of these products, KFC also provide many different kind of fast food. For example, salads, sides, big box meal, meal for kids, desserts, and much different type of plated meals. Now the latest product is twister, it helps KFC increase many profit. People can order depends on their wants. It really convenient for customers. KFC also provide much kind of services, such as 24 hour service, free delivery for some selected location, online ordering, outdoor catering, kid play areas, special dining facility for business customers and more. It can save customers time and costs. That why people like to have meal at KFC. 2.0 Company PEST PEST stands for political, economic, social, and technological. It is important for a business because it will influence the environmental impact of the business. Recognition is a useful way of pests, and looks forward to the external environment of commercial operation. The strategic that KFC use is demographic, the following factors are included in the demographical of the PEST of KFC. The first one is age, there is no age limit is focus by KFC, and they only target on every age of the society. But I think that KFC will target on younger more than the older. The second is household size, KFC will more target on a whole family members, that why KFC have provide many family packages meals. The next one is population. Population have played an important role in KFC. The light of population they can make their strategy. 2.0.1 Political factors Political is the first element of PEST, it will influence the business in many type of way. Political can make many advantages and opportunities for a business. For example, in government policies. KFC have to obey the policies of the government in the location they run their business although KFC is a foreign company. KFC have handled this policy very well and obey the policy of the government, in order to run this type of business in that particular location. The next policy is price policies. KFC maintain the price policy by the way of keeping in the view of income distribution of the people who living in the country. This is the reason why KFC had targeted all the  classes. 2.0.2 Economic factors Economic is the second element of PEST, all the organization is affected by the national and global economic factors. The first one is income. Income is important factor for KFC; it is because incomes will decides which class KFC is going to target. In the early year of KFC, they only forces on the upper class. After few years, KFC start to introduce some meals that target on the middle and the upper level. The next economic factor is payment methods. KFC will do some research on what payment methods is convenient for their customers, then only check whether collect money in the form of cash or plastic money. 2.0.3 Social factors The third element of PEST is society. It concentrates forces on family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, and media. The first factor is social class. Social class divide into 3 classes, there are upper class, middle class, and lower class. As I say early, KFC had targeted all the classes to increase the profit of the company. The next two factors are culture and religion. Although the culture of KFC is different, but KFC also try to adopt the different culture from different location. For example, KFC had adopted the Pakistani cultures. KFC is not only adopting the culture, but also the religion also. KFC offer Halal food to the customers, this is mean that they accepted the Muslim religion. 2.0.4 Technological factors The last element of PEST is technological factors. This is the progress of technology has been greatly changed the way they do business. The first factor of technologic is pace of change. It is same meaning of rate of change. KFC had make a strategy, if they think is time to introduce the new technologic, they only will out the technologic. The next two factors are research and development, and capital formation. These two factors are important factors of technologic. KFC support the work of research and development in order to introduce the new technology. KFC also has a stock of machinery to run their business activities. 2.1 information of PEST PEST is use to identity external forces affecting the business. This is some  example that shown the business’s political, economical, social and technological environment. To indentify the environment, the company have to compete in future, it have to understand the power ad shape variation. In the PEST analysis, it will consider every factor is involved in the entire business environment. There are some examples of PEST: Political Political factors influence organisations in many ways. Political factors can create advantages and opportunities for organisations. It had includes the legal and regulatory, elections, employment law, customer protection, environment regulations, taxes, political trend and more. Economical Economical factors included economic growth trends, consumer confidence index, government spending levels, exchange rates, taxation, disposable income, unemployment, tariffs, inflation, production levels and more. Social It included demographics, health, living standards, housing trends, fashion, lifestyle changes, diversity, immigration/emigration, attitudes to work, leisure activities, occupations, population shifts, trends, fads and earning capacity. Technological It included bio-tech, health, research, communications, inventions, internet, information technology, transportation, rates of obsolescence, manufacturing advances, genetics, waste removal/recycling, and so on. 3.0 The effect of PEST PEST will influence the company earn, there are some example of the effects of PEST factors that I want to shown below: The first element of PEST is political. Political is an important part of PEST, it will affect the price change of the company. For example, if government want to increase the taxes, business have to pay more taxes therefore, the price will increase. Just like alcoholic drink, the increase of the tax rate effect the markedly reduced. On another hand, employment law also play an important roles is political, it protect the benefit of employees, be fair to employees. The second element is economic. If the economic inflation is low, it will cause the company to cut cost and reduce the profit margins. It will affect the  company hard to pass on to the consumer. Another effect is, the demand is buyout, the cost of capital is low, and it will attract investment and growth of the company of being profitable. Although a depressed economy will generally be a treat which results in a number of organizations going out of business, it can provide opportunities for some (Robinson and et al., 1978; Thompson, 2002). The third element is social. It affects the population health, lifestyle change and more. For example, social had forces KFC to change menus because of the health consciousness. The changing of the demographics will affect the company, for example, the chaining of the population of age, regions, numbers of working and more can influence the demand for the product or service. This is the affect of the social on PEST. The last element of PEST is technological. Technological will affect the energy use and the cost. For example, the company use machine to produce the product, it will save more energy and time compare to workers. Nowadays, technology is popular of organization a business. They use internet to promote their product, it had increase the convenient of people. New technology can increase the profit of company, but before use the technology, company have to send some employees to attend the training. 4.0 Conclusion The PEST analysis is important for every business. It is very important to have PEST control in all food company. A good PEST can helps us to avoid taking the wrong action from begin, it for the reasons beyond the control. PEST is important for start business on a new area or countries. It helps you to faster adapt to the realities of the new environment. The political, economic, social and technology stand for PEST. Use PEST headlines from the characteristics, agitate countries or regions, and draw conclusions important strength, change the scope of business. PEST is a useful tool for a business to control their economic and some policies of the country. With the analysis of pests, can see the horizon of the company, and the longer to clarify strategic opportunity and threat the organization’s face. Through the observation of the potential external environment, we can see the changes on the horizon, the enterprise imminent strategic planning process from the stage and the horizon in day of tomorrow. Not a set of strict pests ideas need to be classified into the compartment. This is the best one, can  be used to fish for important facts. 5.0 References †¢ Wichudaa Hnoodaam (2009). Background KFC Corporation. [Online] Aug 7th 2009. Available from World Wide Web accessed: 12nd oct 2010 †¢ 2009. Strategy- introduction to PEST analysis. [Online] available from World Wide Web accessed: 12nd oct 2010 †¢ Learn 2009. Marketing environment- PEST analysis. [Online] available from World Wide Web Accessed: 12nd oct 2010 †¢ Khawaja Naveed 2010. KFC marketing plan for Pakistan. [Online] available from World Wide Web . accessed: 12nd oct 2010 †¢ Lucky ee 2008. KFC new product plan. [Online] available from World Wide Web accesses: 12nd oct 2010 †¢ A level of achievement business studi es A level resources 2004. PEST analysis. [online] accessed: 13rd Oct 2010 †¢ PEST analysis. [online] accessed: 13rd Oct 2010

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

70s Fashion Began Where the 60s Left Off

70s fashion began where the 60s left off. Mini skirts were popular and theflower power influence was everywhere. 60s' trends first adopted by the beautiful people filtered into mainstream wear. Trousers were flared and shirts had big collars. For men, the kipper tie was soon standard wear with a suit. These girls (above) are at a party in the summer of 1970. They show that the mini skirt was far from dead. 70s' fashion took on a multitude of different styles and influences. As well as the hippy style of the late sixties, there was nostalgia for the past. First for the 20s and 30s, then the 40s and 50s and finally the Edwardian era. There was also concern for the environment and strong ethnic influences. Men's fashion adopted a look that would have been considered too feminine a few years earlier. Shirts were tight fitting with big collars and were brightly patterned. There was also a trend towards unisex clothes. The formal suit was still expected to be worn to a dinner party in the 70s; for younger men it was usually only worn in the office or for formal occasions. Jeans, increasingly flared, were popular with men and women for everyday wear. By the end of the decade, change was on the way. Punk rejected everything that had gone before. Mini, midi or maxi The popularity of the mini skirt was challenged in the early 70s and a group of (male) truckers even organised a campaign to bring it back in 1970. However, the mini remained popular in the early years of the 70s, but women now could chose between, mini, midi, (mid-calf length) or maxi (full length) skirts. Hot pants, ultra short shorts, sometimes with a bib and braces, were a variation on the theme. The girl on the above, right, is wearing a pair of navy hot pants with long white socks. Her blouse is in a floral pattern and has a big collar with rounded corners. Longer dresses, inspired by the hippy era of the late sixties, were also in fashion, with paisley or floral patterns being popular. I lived in Portsmouth in 1970/71/72 and was aged 16-18 at that time so had the best of it. Hot pants, mini skirt/dress, long dress and maxi coat, wide brimmed hats, seed bead jewellery and a headband round my head!! I was a true hippy to begin with and went to the Isle of Wight pop festival in 1970. Chris Flares and platform soles Two trends defined the 70s in a fashion sense: flared trousers and platform soles. Flares were derived from the hippy fashion for loon pants of the late 60s. They were worn by men and women. The flare was from the knee and reached exaggerated proportions in the middle years of the 70s. The trousers were often hipsters, sitting on the hips rather than the waist, and tight fitting. The combination of flares and denim made flared jeans the fashion phenomenon of the decade. Platform soles were mainly worn by women and more fashionable men. There were health warnings about damage that could be caused to the back in later life, but the fashion did not last long enough for that to have an effect. There was an element of thirties retro in the style of some of the shoes, which echoed the thirties' love of two-tone or co-respondent black and cream or brown and cream colours. Bright colours also gave the shoes more of a space age look. Platform soles on eBay Nostalgia Nostalgia had a big influence on fashion in the 70s. Barbara Hulanicki's Biba label popularised a look derived from the 20s and 30s. There was a brief fashion for loudly checked tweed Oxford Bags for men and women from around 1972. These were usually worn with platform soled shoes in 30s style two-tone patterns. Biba took over venerable, old London department store, Derry and Toms, in 1973 and turned it into an Art Deco palace. The Biba store became a hip meeting place and a complete lifestyle emporium. The Biba look was a long cotton skirt, worn with a long sleeved shirt or smock, and topped with a floppy brimmed hat. Biba was ahead of its time in providing a complete lifestyle store. However, Biba did not make commercial sense; it was more of a place to hang out than to shop. A large part of the store's floor space was not used to sell merchandise. Big Biba, as the store became known, closed two years later. Laura Ashley, founded by Bernard and Laura Ashley in the 1950s, looked back further when they introduced British women to Edwardian style dresses and nineteenth century inspired floral prints in the mid-70s. Laura Ashley, unlike Biba, was commercially successful and is still going strong today, although sadly Laura Ashley herself met an untimely death in 1985. Formal occasions The 70s were more relaxed than the 60s. However, on formal occasions and in the office men still wore suits. The kipper tie, favoured by the fashionable in the late sixties, became a standard men's accessory. For women, long dresses were often worn for formal occasions. This wedding, left, is from 1970. The lady's floppy hat and long dress drew inspiration from the hippy era as well as nostalgia for the 1930s. The brown colour, also derived from the 1930s, was very popular throughout the 70s. Long hair was fashionable for both men and women. Beards were also popular. This again was a hangover from the flower power years of the late 60s. In many peoples' minds psychedelia was very much in, although the pop music scene had moved on by then. Jeans and the casual look In the more relaxed mood of the 70s, jeans were increasingly popular. Initially little changed from the sixties, but by the mid seventies most people were wearing flares. Printed t-shirts were also increasingly popular in the 70s, as were trainers and canvas shoes. Late 70s fashion By the end of the 70s, flares were still mainstream fashion. This group, left, shows two younger men with long hair. One wears a suede safari jacket with a wide collar and brown, flared trousers. This look was favoured by Brodie and Doyle in the TV series, ‘The Professionals'. The other young man with a short leather jacket and flared blue jeans is more casual and younger looking. The older man has a beard (a very fashionable look in the 70s) and wears a wet-look type anorak. The woman is wearing a suit. Flares, denim, long hair and cheesecloth shirts were the staple of 70s men's fashion throughout most of the decade. Inspired by the hippy movement of the late sixties, this look, echoing the hippy dream of Free Love and optimism, did not fit with the closing years of the 70s, but mainstream fashion was unable to change. 70s Punk fashion Punk came to most people's attention from 1977 onwards through the publicity surrounding the original Punk band, The Sex Pistols. The Sex Pistols' promoter, Malcolm McLaren, together with his partner, designer Vivian Westwood, created the original Punk look. Their shop at 430 Kings Road, originally named ‘Let it Rock', a Ted revival store, was called ‘Sex' at the time the Sex Pistols band appeared. The look was based on a sexual fetish for black leather, mainly for its shock value, combined with ripped t-shirts carrying slogans designed to provoke. McLaren and Westwood changed their shop's name again to ‘Seditionaries: Clothes for Heroes' at the end of 1976. The new name heralded a wholly Punk outlook. The stock featured bondage trousers, bondage dresses and a new t-shirt featuring the Punk message, â€Å"Destroy†. Punk was a rejection of anything that was considered good taste. Ripped and bleached clothes were part of the look, as was spiked hair, dyed in bright colours. Black make up and safety pins as earrings were often worn. For most Punks, quite a few of whom were unemployed, the look could easily be created from modifying second-hand clothes rather than from a trip to the Kings Road. Punk itself lasted into the early 80s. Its importance though, was as a catalyst for change in the fashion world. Punk rejected the flared jeans and cheesecloth shirts which were popular mainstream fashion. It rejected the hippy style and the hippy view of the world. Vintage Punk fashion on eBay Late 70s fashion trends The end of the seventies saw the appearance of a number of youth cults formed formed in the wake of Punk. Amongst those was a revival of the Mod style of the sixties, as well as the Teddy Boy look of the fifties. Mainstream youth fashion also changed dramatically; the 1980 film, ‘Gregory's Girl' illustrates how quickly. One of Gregory's mates, who is a year older, has left school and got a job as a window cleaner. He has saved his money to buy a white jacket with enormous lapels. Gregory's contemporary, Steve, has a white jacket with lapels an inch wide. There was always a particular way to wear a school tie. In 1979 the knot was tied very near the wide end. The 3 inch long tie was tucked into a pullover, to give the impression it was a kipper tie. From 1980, it was folded in half length ways to reduce the width and pressed with an iron so it stayed put. By 1980, school ties were often worn ‘back to front' so that the ‘thin end' was prominent. The fat end was tucked into the school shirt, behind the knot. A bit uncomfortable, but very trendy. Al I was coming into my teens in 1979, but the punk look was still very much for the minority and most kids still had longish hair, shirts with big collars and flared trousers, although the flares were becoming smaller. Locally the mod revival at the end of 1979 killed off this fashion rather than punk. By 1981 seventies fashions and music had become a total joke and almost no one under 50 would be seen dead in flares. Even punk was being classed as old hat and too seventies. Glenn A High fashion was very different at the end of the 70s. Ralph Lauren designed the clothes for the hit Woody Allen film, ‘Annie Hall' in 1977. There was a distinct 80s feel to the outfits worn by Annie (Diane Keaton), who wore crumpled socks, full skirts and layered jackets. Young people dropped flares and wide collars with breath taking speed. Older people were slower to change from the 70s look, but by around 1983, the archetypal 70s style was extinct. 70s fashion reference Fashion of the 70s is another great Taschen 25. It is packed with adverts from the decade. You will find flares, hot pants, platform soles, denim, slacks, microphone hairdos, wide collars and kipper ties. There is also a short introduction to fashion in the 70s. The book is colourful and very entertaining. The adverts are all American ones, but this does not detract much from a great piece of nostalgia.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Henry Ford and the Auto Assembly Line

Henry Ford and the Auto Assembly Line Cars changed the way people lived, worked, and enjoyed leisure time; however, what most people don’t realize is that the process of manufacturing automobiles had an equally significant impact on the industry. The creation of the assembly line by Henry Ford at his Highland Park plant, introduced on December 1, 1913, revolutionized the automobile industry and the concept of manufacturing worldwide. The Ford Motor Company Henry Ford was not a newcomer to the business of automobile manufacturing. He built his first car, which he christened the â€Å"Quadricycle,† in 1896. In 1903, he officially opened the Ford Motor Company and five years later released the first Model T. Although the Model T was the ninth automobile model Ford created, it would be the first model which would achieve wide popularity. Even today, the Model T remains an icon for the still-existing Ford Motor Company. Making the Model T Cheaply Henry Ford had a goal of making automobiles for the multitudes. The Model T was his answer to that dream; he wanted them to be both sturdy and cheap. In an effort to make Model T’s cheaply at first, Ford cut out extravagances and options. Buyers couldn’t even choose a paint color; they were all black. By the end of production, however, the cars would be available in a wide variety of colors and with a wide variety of custom bodies. The cost of the first Model T was set at $850, which would be approximately $21,000 in today’s currency. That was cheap, but still not cheap enough for the masses. Ford needed to find a way to cut down the price even further. Highland Park Plant In 1910, with the aim of increasing manufacturing capacity for the Model T, Ford built a new plant in Highland Park, Michigan. He created a building that would be easily expanded as new methods of production were incorporated. Ford consulted with Frederick Taylor, creator of scientific management, to examine the most efficient modes of production. Ford had previously observed the assembly line concept in slaughterhouses in the Midwest and was also inspired by the conveyor belt system that was common in many grain warehouses in that region. He wished to incorporate these ideas into the information Taylor suggested to implement a new system in his own factory. One of the first innovations in production that Ford implemented was the installation of gravity slides that facilitated the movement of parts from one work area to the next. Within the next three years, additional innovative techniques were incorporated and, on December 1, 1913, the first large-scale assembly line was officially in working order. Assembly Line Function The moving assembly line appeared to the onlooker to be an endless contraption of chains and links that allowed Model T parts to swim through the sea of the assembly process. In total, the manufacturing of the car could be broken down into 84 steps. The key to the process, however, was having interchangeable parts. Unlike other cars of the time, every Model T produced on Fords line used the exact same valves, gas tanks, tires, etc. so that they could be assembled in a speedy and organized fashion. Parts were created in mass quantities and then brought directly to the workers who were trained to work at that specific assembly station. The chassis of the car was pulled down the 150-foot line by a chain conveyor and then 140 workers applied their assigned parts to the chassis. Other workers brought additional parts to the assemblers to keep them stocked; this reduced the amount of time workers spent away from their stations to retrieve parts. The assembly line significantly decreased the assembly time per vehicle and increased the profit margin. Assembly Line Customization As time passed, Ford used assembly lines more flexibly than he is generally given credit for. He used multiple parallel lines in a start-stop mode to adjust output to large demand fluctuations. He also used sub-systems which optimized extraction, transportation, production, assembly, distribution, and sales supply chain systems.   Perhaps his most useful and neglected innovation was the development of a way to mechanize production and yet customize the configuration of each Model T as it rolled off the block. Model T production had a core platform, a chassis consisting of engine, pedals, switches, suspensions, wheels, transmission, gas tank, steering wheel, lights, etc. This platform was continually being improved. But the body of the car could be any one of several types of vehicles: auto, truck, racer, woody wagon, snowmobile, milk wagon, police wagon, ambulance, etc.  At peak, there were eleven basic model bodies, with 5,000 custom gadgets that were manufactured by external companies that could be selected by the customers. Impact of the Assembly Line on Production The immediate impact of the assembly line was revolutionary. The use of interchangeable parts allowed for continuous workflow and more time on task by laborers. Worker specialization resulted in less waste and a higher quality of the end product. Sheer production of the Model T dramatically increased. The production time for a single car dropped from over 12 hours to just 93 minutes due to the introduction of the assembly line. Ford’s 1914 production rate of 308,162 eclipsed the number of cars produced by all other automobile manufacturers combined. These concepts allowed Ford to increase his profit margin and lower the cost of the vehicle to consumers. The cost of the Model T would eventually drop to $260 in 1924, the equivalent of approximately $3,500 today. Impact of the Assembly Line on Workers The assembly line also drastically altered the lives of those in Ford’s employ. The workday was cut from nine hours to eight hours so that the concept of the three-shift workday could be implemented with greater ease. Although hours were cut, workers did not suffer from lower wages; instead, Ford nearly doubled the existing industry-standard wage and began paying his workers $5 a day. Ford’s gamble paid off- his workers soon used some of their pay increases to purchase their own Model Ts. By the end of the decade, the Model T had truly become the automobile for the masses that Ford had envisioned. The Assembly Line Today The assembly line is the primary mode of manufacturing in the industry today. Automobiles, food, toys, furniture, and many more items pass down assembly lines worldwide before landing in our homes and on our tables. While the average consumer does not think of this fact often, this 100-year-old innovation by a car manufacturer in Michigan changed the way we live and work forever. Sources and Further Reading Alizon, Fabrice, Steven B. Shooter, and Timothy W. Simpson. Henry Ford and the Model T: Lessons for Product Platforming and Mass Customization. Design Studies 30.5 (2009): 588–605. Print.Upward, Geoffrey C. A Home for Our Heritage: The Building and Growth of Greenfield Village and Henry Ford Museum. Dearborn, Michigan: The Henry Ford Museum Press, 1979. Print.Wilson, James M. Henry Ford Vs. Assembly Line Balancing. International Journal of Production Research 52.3 (2014): 757–65. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Eclectic And Reflective Nature Social Work Essay Essays

The Eclectic And Reflective Nature Social Work Essay Essays The Eclectic And Reflective Nature Social Work Essay Essay The Eclectic And Reflective Nature Social Work Essay Essay the typically low degree of wage for people in this class and inflexible nature of traveling from benefit claimant through into employment as restricting factors in increasing the life opportunities of kids and immature people in this sort of state of affairs. To back up this claim the more general findings of Tunnard ( 2004 ) are highlighted which link parental sick wellness jobs and household poorness and indicate that 50 % of handicapped people have incomes below half the national norm, this rises to 60 % for handicapped grownups with kids ( Gould 2006 ) . Guess in this study suggests that the figures would be worse in households where one or more parents experience important and digesting mental jobs. Therefore it is sensible to assume in the instance of Ruth and Megan that their degree of income is and will stay at a low degree without some important lifestyle alterations. Specific links between fiscal adversity and mental wellness are taken from an unpublished paper by Social Exclusion Unit in 2004 detailing the impact of poorness on mental ailment wellness, the trouble people experience had in accessing fiscal advice /services, disproportional dependance on province benefits, fluctuating incomes determined by wellness position and the challenge of procuring the right degree if benefit/personal finance. General findings about the impact on household poorness are besides relevant in the instance of Ruth and Megan and it is a factor that is really likely to add to the symptomology common to people diagnosed with marginal personality upset. Furthermore, as benefits and societal attention resources are constrained against a background of cardinal authorities s thrust to set people back into work, Spencer and Baldwin ( 2007 ) argue that many parents in the UK are expected to convey up their households in the context of unreasonably scarce resources . Therefore, practicians need to take into history Ruth and Megan s societal and economic factors when measuring their single demands, hazard and in finding a curative tract for this household. As might be expected, given these negative fiscal, wellness and well-being determiners societal exclusion is a likely to be a factor that needs to be overcome if an holistic, person-centred attack is to be adopted in back uping this household. Developing schemes to get the better of the destructive behavior that Ruth has developed as her personal header from mechanisms is a cardinal factor in turn toing the wider concern of her and Megan s societal exclusion and isolation. Megan s current state of affairs, which is one of compromised chance, a limited societal life, onerous duties, isolation, scarce personal resources and a deficiency of attending to her ain demands, represents the state of affairs of many carers in the UK, particularly so those who have or have had duties as a immature carer. . Research by Aldridge and Becker, ( 1999, p.306 ) suggests that kids who provide caring support to parents with mental unwellness will be more susceptible to increased degrees of anxiousness, depression, fright, alteration in behavioral and societal forms every bit good as being more at hazard of transmittal of the peculiar parental status . As caring moves through into maturity the hereafter tends to stay black and research from the Health and Social Care Information Centre ( 2010 ) studies increased grounds of hapless wellness, low income and a general sense of hopelessness for carers in the visible radiation of ongoing cuts to societal attention budgets. The chance for any important betterment is every bit cheerless. In sing the inside informations of this instance the eclectic and brooding nature of societal work is an attack that seems suited for the complexnesss back uping people with mental ailment wellness, peculiarly the of all time altering presentations of people who have a diagnosing of marginal personality upset. Payne ( 2009, p.100 ) describes the utility of these attacks in instance work foregrounding how practicians can follow and utilize theories together, possibly all at one time or possibly in turn or utilize different theories in different instances . Because this method requires important accomplishment and understanding Payne cites Epstein ( 1992 ) who suggests that flexible squad attacks to contemplation, argument and application offer a utile manner frontward to the bringing of flexible moment to minute pattern in response to complex instances. Payne ( 2009 ) identifies systems theory as being an of import facet of eclectic method. Pincus and Minahan ( 1973 ) applied the a ttack to societal work pattern and depict three types of system these being informal or natural ( friends/family ) , formal ( community groups, etc. ) and social systems ( hospital/schools, etc. ) . Peoples with mental wellness jobs are likely to hold some trouble in utilizing assisting systems to better their wellness, life experiences and general wellbeing. Using systems theory involves placing the point, and jobs persons experience in the interactions with their environment. The stages of this include measuring ; making/negotiating contracts ; forming/coordinating actions ; re-forming and influencing action systems ; ending alteration attempts. Payne ( 2005 ) extends the application of this attack and makes clear links to ecological systems theory, crisis theory/models and undertaking centred working. The application of these, peculiarly crisis intercession, could work in connexion with Ruth s current troubles and potentially offers short term span toward longer term curative wo rk. However in following this attack it is deserving sing the cautiousness raised by Doel ( 2009 ) and he notes that if done ill than crisis/task centred work can go inflexible, everyday and possibility lead to some degree of societal control. Doel suggests utilizing these methods should be accompanied by developing that considers factors such as values, attitudes and their application in pattern. Sherry ( 2007 ) identifies the increasing consideration and application of fond regard theory ( Bowlby 1973 ) in the causing of marginal personality upset and cites legion influences as menaces to attachment in childhood. Hazard factors in this respect include sexual injury ( Laporte A ; Guttman, 1996 ) , parental disregard ( Paris, 1997, 1998 ) , household instability and emotional disregard all of which are considered to lend to the development of personality manners in big life. For practicians, the logical thinking of Ivey 1989 who suggested utmost behavior by clients could be linked to their development history and the manner they respond and bring intending to their experiences in ulterior life. Therefore hapless parenting experienced by Ruth could hold been instrumental portion in the development of behaviors that for her now carry the label of marginal personality upset ( West A ; Sheldon-Keller ( 1994 ) . Therefore the assemblage of information in appraisal procedures can be a important factor in working out the manner and content of societal work intercession. In sing the tracts of person who experiences important mental wellness issues it is clear that from many positions that society perceptual experiences, life chances and thereby single wellbeing are compromised in many countries of life. The battle for a more balanced and supportive attack to mental wellness has been carried by the service user/survivor motion for many old ages and the demand for reform has led to many runs. It is easy to understand the demand secure better intervention and push through system reforms given subjugation, rejection and widespread ignorance that characterises the history of mental wellness in the UK. Ferguson ( 2008 ) foreground how the now recognized place of the subsister motions forcing for greater acknowledgment of the predicament of people with mental wellness issues came from the digesting effects of stigma, impotence, inequality and segregation which have been utilised to force governmental thought and maintain mental wellness, wellbeing and socie tal attention as political issues. The battle for improved rights and chance among the subsister motion merely truly collected gait in the 1970s ( Campbell 1996 ) ( Beresford, 1997 ) and in the early phases tended to concentrate on little scale self-help and common support enterprises. More late there has been greater, towards collective national runs refering intervention, reacting the alterations of the mental wellness statute law and broader battles to alter attitudes and apprehensions of lunacy and hurt. This has been cardinal to switching the stigma of mental wellness and clearly it is something that needs to go on. General concerns expressed by Campbell ( 2005 ) link good to Ruth s state of affairs and the urgent structural concerns that tend to convey of poorness, deficiency of chance, isolation, ennui, hopelessness and therefore a go oning committedness to province imposed legal and medical limitations are clearly relevant to the instance survey. Evidence of the negative impact of mental sick wellness can be found in the wellness inequalities highlighted in research carried out for the Disability Rights Commission in 2006 which showed that people with terrible mental unwellness are at higher hazard of sick wellness across a figure of conditions. Their study Equal Treatment: Closing the Gap highlighted increased incidence of clinical fleshiness, coronary bosom disease, diabetes, high blood force per unit area among people with terrible mental wellness issues. It besides noted higher hazards in connexion with people developing high blood force per unit area, shot, respiratory jobs and intestin e and chest malignant neoplastic disease. They are besides more likely to smoke. Although the grounds for this inequality are complex and have far making deductions for public wellness policy shapers, the effect remains that people who experience long-run mental ailment wellness dice on mean 5 to 10 old ages younger than other people, frequently from preventable unwellnesss. The response to this research and the continued focal point on issues of inequality, unfairness and stigma by administrations such as Rethink Mental Illness is yielded some important consequences with increased focal point on physical wellness being pursued within community mental wellness squads, increased focal point on speaking therapies and Mental Health ( Discrimination ) Bill traveling through to the House of Lords for farther argument. ( Rethink, 2012 ) However it is progressively evident that people with a diagnosing of marginal personality upset are capable to a specific type of stigma and favoritism that impacts on the relationships that are cardinal to accomplishing to accomplishing some degree of stableness in their lives, these being the therapeutic links with practicians within community mental wellness services. Ruth s status unluckily fits in with the perceptual experience held amongst professionals that it is about or wholly untreatable. Personality disordered patients are frequently described as the patient physiatrists disfavor and are frequently viewed as clip cachexia, hard, attending seeking, and manipulative bed blockers. ( Hadden A ; Haigh, 2002 ) . Having antecedently highlighted the significance of person-centred theory and attacks in developing curative confederations, it is supremely that favoritism within assisting professions can be raised so easy as cardinal restricting factor. Markham ( 2003 ) high spots multiple differences in the reactions of professional staff towards people who have a diagnosing of BPD. The suggestion is that the label leads to increased societal rejection, deceased optimism and acceptance of two-channel typical attitudes by staff hence making hazard of less favorable and thereby effectual intervention every bit compared to other groups of people with terrible and digesting mental wellness issues. As might be expected, the research draws to a great extent on labelling theory: The negative service user experience detailed by Wright A ; Jones ( 2012 ) in typifies Ruth s historical curative tract and include direct quotation marks that are clearly relevant: Rightly or wrongly, I interpreted the label as a mark that I was basically flawed, that the bad parts of me far outweighed any good properties that might besides be portion of my personality aˆÂ ¦and being told that I had a personality upset and that there was no remedy or intervention. The illation was that I was merely made this manner and that was the terminal of it. The article besides highlights the findings of Pilgrim ( 2001 ) who suggest that hapless responses to personality upset occur because causes are non known and that intervention results are frequently unpredictable and undependable. In sing this sort of grounds, it is easy to understand Ruth s surrender following another A A ; E admittance which in her head will convey approximately yet another dissatisfying rhythm curative hopelessness with small opportunity of any success. ( should this paragraph be justified or left centred? ) The state of affairs raised in the instance survey typifies many of the negative issues associated with the support that people with a diagnosing of marginal personality upset receive: dismissive attitudes, inconsistent attacks and autocratic attacks seem to be consistent subjects and are evidently non altering the nature and results of curative intercessions. While it might be hard at this phase, it seems of import for Ruth to take some duty perchance self-managing some grade of the presenting hazard which is consistent with the counsel provided by Wright and Jones ( 2012 ) and is besides in line with best pattern as detailed in the NICE counsel ( 2009 ) . This should be clearly stated within the attention program. Mead and Copland ( 2000 ) suggest that people are able to turn through positive hazards taking and that authorization through individual centred support can reframe typical service user response to hard, crisis state of affairss. Practically this can be supported through clear and effectual attention planning and this should be built into an person s intervention and crisis program. Ruth, along with her attention coordinator, should carefully see schemes to pull off ague and chronic hazards developing and integrating these in the attention program as appropriate. This will guarantee consistence when the attention coordinator is absent, guaranting that Ruth s attention and support follows boundaries and consistence agreed with her and thereby guaranting she is treated with self-respect, regard and compassion. Although hazard to self which Sherry ( 2007 ) clearly links to the diagnosing of marginal personality upset must be responded to in the context of community mental wellness services, admittance to psychiatric inpatient unit should merely take topographic point as a last resort and the least restrictive options should be pursued. The stepped attention theoretical account offers a utile statutory response and if hazards remain elevated so Ruth should be considered foremost for the high strength squad so a referral crisis declaration and place intervention squad, notwithstanding any negativeness that may environ her historical presentations. If possible excess support from attention coordinator would be the ideal solution, as this would use the curative relationship in topographic point to back up and steer Ruth through her crisis. In systematically disputing state of affairss Ruth s attention coordinator could besides research with Ruth and Megan a autonomous support ( SDS ) bundle. Th is bundle could back up with activities of her pick and it is possible for this to be used for Ruth to research and entree some community resources hence constructing societal webs for Ruth and alleviating Megan of some of the force per unit area of her carer s function. Hatton and Waters ( 2011 ) place the comparative success of SDS/personalisation in connexion with people sing mental wellness issues and this is at its most good when persons pursue direct payments and unafraid support on their ain footings. Whichever option in footings of ongoing support is chosen so it seems that there is demand for a more collaborative, shared attack both in connexion with hazard and besides around longer-term support schemes. The work and theories of Rogers ( 1956, 1957 ) specify the nucleus conditions of reding including unconditioned positive respect ( UPR ) , empathy and congruity for curative relationships to win peculiarly so in the context of personality alteration. It is of import to observe that this is a value based attack and religion that the individual can determine their ain positive hereafter if the status highlighted above can be provided. It is non a set of tools and techniques that can be turned on and off to accommodate practician demands at a given clip or chance. It links good to considerations around motivational attacks and Ruth s and Megan s desire to travel on is a good index in this respect. Basically, by following humanistic attacks, the purpose is to develop a form of inter action and support which keeps Ruth centrally involved in the nature and form of the curative relationship which will of course affect cardinal determinations about, hazard, intervention options, attention planning and end planning. Clearly this type of interaction is hard to sketch to all involved professionals but careful entries and appraisal within electronic records can assist significantly in modifying the responses all statutory workers who may meet Ruth in the professional work. If this person-centred attack is adopted so it will stand for a important displacement in the attention and support Ruth has received in her short psychiatric calling .

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What Are the Best Questions to Ask at a College Fair

What Are the Best Questions to Ask at a College Fair SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips A college fair may not feature popcorn and carnival rides- sorry, folks!- but they area great source of information for prospective college students. Coming prepared with a detailed plan, including a list of questions to ask at a college fair, will make sure you get the most out of your experience. This is often your first chance to meet with a school's representatives, so use that time wisely! The most important thing you can do to make the most of a college fair is to prepare ahead of time. Don't go into a college fair with no idea what you're doing or why, or you'll be wasting the college representative's time as well as your own. This collection of college fair questions and tips will help you have a better experience at your next college fair. This type of event is primarily a low-pressure way to learn more about schools that interest you, but having questions to ask at a college fair can also give you a head start over other applicants. You won't find any of these cuties at a college fair. What Is a College Fair? You won't find any prized livestock at a college fair, unfortunately. These events consist of college admissions representatives ready to talk with prospective students about attending their schools. You can find local college fairs through your high school, admissions counselors at colleges, college mailing lists, and the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). College fairs are great for not only getting more specific information about the colleges you already know about, but also for finding schools you've never heard of. That's why it pays to have questions ready ahead of time; your perfect school might not be one that's on your list! The real benefit to college fairs is that you can get information straight from the source, including answers to questions not available online. Any bit of extra info can help you make an informed decision about which college you want to attend, especially if you're looking for specific information about campus life, program specifics, and other nitty-gritty details. Will Attending a College Fair Help Your Admissions Chances? Here's the short answer: visiting a college fair probably won't make a huge difference in getting into a college. Meeting with a representative at a college fair isn't going to astronomically raise your chances, but itwill give you the extra information you need to make an informed decision about what school is right for you. So what effectcan attending a college fair have on your application? For colleges that factor demonstrated interest- that is, showing interest in attending a college through visits or other means- it could mean you register a little brighter on their radar. If you really want to make an impression, consider following up with colleges after the fair; this shows that you're not just interested in any school, but that one in particular. Lycoming College Admissions Director Jessica Hess says, "Calls to the college, campus visits, attendance at local area events, whether or not they open our emails and how many links they click on, research, attendance at high school college fairs- that all counts as demonstrated interest." That said, not every school factors in demonstrated interest. Even for those that do, it's just one part of a successful college application. Meeting with a college at a college fair might be a positive, but it won't help if you don't already have a stellar application. Instead, focus on getting as much information as possible from a college fair- information will be far more beneficial in helping you choose the right school and tailor your application effectively. "Demonstrated interest" makes you a bigger blip on the radar. How Should You Prepare For a College Fair? First, you'll want to be able to say, off the top of your head, what your GPA is, what honors or AP classes you're currently taking or plan to take, and any activities you're interested in or currently involved in. This information can help a college representative give you more helpful answers to your questions. Next, you'll want to set some goals. Be realistic, here- college fairs run around three to four hours, so you'll need to prioritize. Don't worry about talking to every single school there, and don't approach a college fair as a means of selling yourself directly to the colleges in question. First and foremost, a college fair is for you to learn more about the schools. You should use this event as an opportunity to get information, not as a trial run for your application. Schools will be meeting with many students in just a few hours, so you're unlikely to make a lasting impression. Use your time to learn rather than putting on an impressive show. With that in mind, think about questions like how many schools you want to talk to and what information you want to get out of them.Also, be sure to preregister! Not only will you get advanced information about what colleges will be there to help you plan better, but if you register through NACAC, you can get a barcode containing all your personal information. Colleges can scan that and make it easier to connect with you afterward. Consider which schools you'd most like to talk to, and compare that to the list of schools that will be attending. Create a list of around a dozen schools to visit, but don't feel like you need to get to every single one of them,because it's also important to spend a little time meeting with schools you haven't heard of. Prioritize! Which colleges on your list do you already have enough information to make a decision about? Those ones can go lower on your priority list, unless they're a dream school- then you should use the opportunity to speak to someone face-to-face about attending. But more than anything, you want to spend your time getting answers to questions you can't find online. Once you've made your list of schools you want to visit, make another list of things you'd want to know before committing to a college. This can be anything- admissions rate, what clubs they feature, whether your major is even offered there. Then, spend some time Googling to find the answers yourself. When you have a school representative in front of you, use them to answer the questions the school website can't! Check school websites and other sources to eliminate the most basic answers, and cross those questions off your list. With only a few hours, you're going to need to maximize your time. Questions to ask at a college fair shouldn't be things you can easily find online. A list will help you stay on track in every conversation. The Best Questionsto Ask at College Fairs It can be helpful to group your questions to ask at a college fair into categories. Organization will help you make sure you don't miss anything as you're talking with admissions officers. Here are some possible topics and sample questions you might want to include: Academics What programs are you most proud of? Are first-year students given priority for picking courses? What programs are the most popular? How does my favorite class in high school translate into a major? What help is there for students who speak English as a second language, who use American Sign Language, or who experience learning differences or other considerations? Admissions What should I know about competitive majors? Does "competitive" mean there are extra considerations for acceptance, or that there are limited spaces? What do students like and dislike about attending this school? Are there any students I can talk to about their experience? Tuition and Cost Are there any program-specific financial aid or scholarship programs I should know about? What opportunities are available for international, underrepresented, or other students with special circumstances? Campus Life If a club I'm interested in doesn't exist, can I start that club? What do students do during their free time? What kind of restaurants and activities are near campus? What is the workload like for my major? What kind of safety measures are there on campus? Job Searching What do graduates of my major go on to do? How can I make the most of my alumni network? Some of the questions to ask at a college fair will be on the general side: things you can ask multiple colleges to compare and contrast what they offer. Other questions to ask at college fairs should be based on specifics, like the details of one particular program. For example, say you're an aspiring novelist who wants to write fantasy books. What's the English department's stance on genre fiction? This is something that's probably not listed on a college website, but if the college representative knows the answer, you'll have a better picture of whether the school is a good fit- and if they don't know, they can put you in touch with someone who does. You don't have to ask the exact same questions at every school, but be sure you get all the information you need. The questions to ask colleges at a college fair are ones that will help you make the most informed decision you can about where you want to attend. 6 College Fair Tips Since you've already made a plan, you're on the right track for getting the best possible experience out of your college fair. But there's still more you can do, too. #1: Dress to Impress Don't worry about looking extremely fancy, but do put a little effort into your outfit. Focus on the clothes that make you feel comfortableand confident. Think button-up shirts, skirts, and professional-looking pants like corduroy, khakis, or chinos. Formal wear isn't necessary, but do put in a little more effort than you might on an average day at school. Now, put on your best confident smile, because you're there to impress! #2: Bring Supplies You should bring a bottle of water- you're going to be doinga lot of talking- as well as a notebook and pen. Not only will taking notes help make sure you don't forget each college's answer to your questions, but taking a moment to jot down some notes after each conversation will make sure you remember it better. If you have address labels, these can be a great way to hand out your personal information if you don't have the NACAC barcode. #3: Arrive Early College fairs will typically have a fair directory and bag for you to take. If you get there early, you can use the directory to plan out the optimal route to make sure you get a chance to talk to all the schools you want to meet with rather than wandering aimlessly and hoping you stumble upon them. #4: Be Genuine When you're talking to representatives of each school, don't worry about being the most impressive person in the room, but do think about being your authentic self. Be honest and forthcoming and express genuine interest. Don't try to impress based on things you don't actually feel, believe, or do, because not only can admissions officers pick up on that, but it's also more likely to lead to a college being a poor fit. The best college for you isn't always the most prestigious one- you want a school that's going to lead to academic success, a great pathway to a career, and a fulfilling education, not one that's just going to carry the star power of a familiar name. #5: Check Out Unfamiliar Colleges You should set aside at least a little time to talk with colleges you may not have heard of. The biggest, most memorable names may not actually be the best fit- smaller schools may surprise you! That's why it's good to have general questions to ask when attending a college fair: you don't want to be left scrambling for conversation when your dream school might be right in front of you. #6: Follow Up Be sure to grab brochures, an application, financial aid information, and business cards from representatives if they're available. You can even send a follow-up to whoever you speak to; it's a great way to show initiative and interest. Besides, you'll want all that information later on when it's time to apply- thanks to your hard work and planning, you have everything you need to find the perfect school for you! You don't have to look extremely fancy, but do put in effort. What's Next? Visiting a college fair will get you lots of information, but you still have to do the hard work of applying to college. Using an acceptance calculator will help you figure out your chances of getting into the schools at the top of your listso you know how to up your odds. Now that you know what you can expect of your ideal colleges, it's time to learn what colleges expect from you. The information you gathered at your college fair will help you better target your application to suit what each school is looking for! It's also a great time to start researching scholarships. Even if you're a freshman or sophomore, it's never too early to start thinking about how you're going to pay for college, and all the information you've gathered gives you a definite leg up on other students. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sponsorship Component Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Sponsorship Component - Essay Example Sponsorship is considered as a business partnership between the sponsor and the sponsee. The both parties (sponsor and sponsee) have to add value to each other. The association between them will increase the brand value. That’s why sports organization must fulfill the satisfaction of marketing needs of sponsors, which can be done thru the help of brand or property that controlled or owned by the sports organization. If a sport organization gets a potential sponsor, then it will help to increase the brand position. Even more, it will increase the target audience and employment engagement. To selling a sponsorship to a sports organization, it requires to understand the prospective partners. Even more, it is important to understand the role of corporate marketing. Corporate marketing has two major keys, first one is to develop the brand and second one is to magnify the marketing to increase sales. After singing the contact between both parties, it should be ensured that every detail which have been made in contract are fulfilling by both parties. An average sponsorship bundle may include; the sponsor purchasing different rights including occasion title or class rights, signage rights, rights to particular designated tokens and logos, rights to utilize the expression "authority," rights to particular occasion promoting, advancements, and distribution considerations, and certain first-alternative rights. The particular rights fluctuate as per the size and nature of the occasion and the specifics of the agreement.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Should the United Kingdom Introduce a Written Constitution Essay

Should the United Kingdom Introduce a Written Constitution - Essay Example A constitution may come in two forms --the written and unwritten constitution. When these set of laws are put in writing and bound in a single document it is then called a written constitution, otherwise it is referred to as an unwritten constitution. Presently, most countries have formulated and are functioning and enforcing their laws through a written constitution. In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (United Kingdom) however is far removed from these modern day countries since they do not have a written constitution as yet.   Aside from these two countries, there are only a handful of countries that remain without a written constitution, namely--New Zealand, Israel and San Marino. Countries that function without a written constitution are similarly referred to as countries with an uncodified constitution as the sources of laws, governmental and individual rights are not contained in one fundamental instrument but rather embodied in a series of documents. The judicial branch makes use Acts of Parliament, Treaties, European Union Law, Common Law, Conventions and Works of Authority as their reference in deciding a case. Royal prerogatives and Parliamentary constitutional conventions are equally used as their sources of law.  From the given characteristics of a constitution the question still remains: Is there a need for the United Kingdom to introduce a written constitution? This paper aims to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of introducing a written constitution in the United Kingdom and to arrive at an educated opinion whether it would be best for the United Kingdom to create its own constitution. The position of the researcher is for the United Kingdom to maintain its current disposition on the grounds that it has long survived without a written constitution and it has created safeguards that would ensure that its citizens’ rights and liberties would be protected from the self-interest of those people in power.

Cultural dversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cultural dversity - Essay Example One of the demographic changes in United States organization is the increase in immigration. The United States has a higher incidence of immigration than any other country in the world. For example, in 2002 alone, over a million people moved into the U.S from. Of these, the biggest percentage came from Mexico with China closely following. It is important for any organization to understand the effects of immigration. Immigration has the ability of changing a countrys demographic composition, thus affecting the culture. For any organization such as The American Red Cross, immigration serves to increase the amount supply of labor especially for less-skilled occupations. With the increased labor supply, the organization wages and salary policy is affected. The company would therefore, offer lower wages for employees in low-paying less-skilled occupations. Because of the job competition brought about by the immigrants, it is not a surprise to see the less educated workers having a negativ e view of the immigrants hence conflicts in the organization (Mankiw, 1998). Increase in the birthrate would also affect the organization in various ways. Currently, the US is experiencing a low birth rate across all races or ethnic groups. In recent decades, especially from 1990, the birth rate has registered a decline. For example, the birth rate for a Latina woman dropped from 3.0 in 1990 to 2.4 in 2010 (Lerman and Schmidt,1999, p.2). The other racial groups show similar results over the period. A future increase in birth rates will lead to an increase in population growth. A proportionate increase in the supply of the labor force accompanies such rapid population growth. This implies that the rate of job creation should match the rate of labor supply in United States. However, the rate of labor supply outstrips that of job creation. This shows that the quantity of individuals looking

Consuming Art, comsuming Society_ Keith Haring works and his Research Paper

Consuming Art, comsuming Society_ Keith Haring works and his inspiration - Research Paper Example Keith must have inherited his amazing style and artwork talent from his father who was a cartoonist. The paper will focus more on Keith Haring artwork and its inspirations on the art world. Discussion From his childhood years, Keith was interested in artwork and he grew up making drawings with his dad in Kutztown in Pennsylvania, and was increasingly motivated by popular Disney and Schultz cartoon work. Between 1979 and 78, he went to commercial collage of art in Ivy Professional Art college and gained interest in international artwork and later focused or Fine Art study1. Keith’s art was later witnessed in all public murals, nightclubs, museums and galleries all over the globe and he was famous for his activism in promoting awareness of AIDS. In New York, a home of thriving underground art scene, Keith befriended his fellow artists such as Jean-Mechel and Scarf, both of whom shared his colorful and transgressive graffiti art interest of the streets of the city2. Together with his colleagues organized exhibitions at different locations such as downtown nightclubs where music, art, and fashion combined in an effective mix. Outside the clubs, Keith started utilizing the town as his canvas, and riding the subway he discovered a black rectangular paper of blank advertising panels on wall stations and with a white chalk he started filling the panels with quick, simple picture drawings3. His signature images comprised of dancing images, a crawling baby generating light rays –radiant boy- a dog barking, flying saucer, television heads figures and bigger hearts, these graffiti images drew New York commuters and city authorities attention leading to Keith accusation of vandalism4. He responded to this accusation by highlighting that high art is an increasingly expensive production such that common people, therefore, to neutralize this Pop Shop store allowed ordinary people to afford art items at affordable prices. The shop has since then prospered and expa nded its practices online. Keith later started to apply his globally known imagery to self-supporting paintings and drawings. His art optimism and energy, with its strong lines and shining colors made him popular with great number of audience and in 1981, he started his solo exhibition in Manhattan. In 1983, he began displaying his artwork in galleries such as Tony Shafrazi that would display him in his lifelong career. All through from 1980s, Keith’s work was displayed broadly both internationally and in the US. In addition, in the quest to promote accessibility of his work, he started Pop Shop retail shop in the city of the New York and its neighborhood Soho in 1986 where he exhibited posters, Tshirt other cheap items featuring his signature designs5. Since then, various commercial industries have been established round Keith’s visual aesthetic all over the world with some of the items such as T-shirts, sneakers, cards and jewelry made from Keith artwork, and graffit i school designs. Keith has capitalized on his own image in a manner that painters could not imagine before the mass media age6. As he discovered and developed his style, Keith’s artwork visually fought against increased forms of racism, capitalism, religious, injustice and violence consumption, with focus on the nuclear war threats, environmental destruction, AIDs pandemic

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Carnival Cruise Line, The Fun Ship Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Carnival Cruise Line, The Fun Ship - Assignment Example Whereas such an approach may work well in many other product or service offerings that exist within the current economy, oftentimes when people go on vacation luxury and immunity are some of the first things that they seek to ensure our present. Although there is nothing wrong with seeking to make Carnival Cruise Lines the Walmart of cruise lines, publicly stating such an approach is likely have a negative impact on sales and further foster negative images within the consumer. Anytime one seeks to engage with the given firm as a means of determining its overall strength within the market, it is necessary to perform what is known as a SWOT analysis. Such a SWOT analysis is merely shorthand for analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats the present themselves to given firm with any given market. Accordingly, in analyzing Carnival Cruise Lines strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, it is the understanding of the student that the most salient strengths ar e with regards to its recognizable name, large budget and extent vessels and staff, and overall profitability of the brand. Each of these strengths helps the firm, even if economic difficulties present themselves, to continue to exist and draw upon these strengths as a means of furthering business. Likewise, with regards to weaknesses, it can be understood that Carnival Cruise Lines exhibits the following: poor public relations, bad image, and a brand that is struggling to differentiate itself within a market that is increasingly saturated. Similarly, with regards to opportunities, these can be understood as a means to counter the weaknesses that it been previously mentioned (DATAMONITOR, 2013). Accordingly, the opportunities are as follows: working to increase public relations, building a better image, and finding a more appropriate way to can P with and stand apart from the many forms of competition the currently exist within the market. Lastly, the threats that it been chosen to be analyzed within this brief response are concentric upon the following: noticeable downturn in economy, reduction in overall number of people each year choosing cruises as their preferred means of vacation travel, and the demographic shift that threatens to further reduce cruise participation once the baby boomer generation discontinues their currently high level of vacation spending. As a function of these specific strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, the reader can come to be understanding that the primary issue facing Carnival Cruise Lines is with regards to the extent which it continue to be relevant within the current market, as well as speak to specific concerns that individuals within society have doubtless come to realize with respect to the overall cleanliness, hygiene, and safety of cruises as a form of relaxation and vacation. As with any firm, one of the most effective means of determining the overall financial success that it is enjoyed over the past several years is to review the stock price and draw inference upon the means by which investors have valued the company over time. As a function of performing this particular analysis with current cruise lines, it can be determined that the most financially turbulent times were of course realize right after the financial crash 2007/2008 (Conant, 2013). At such a time, Carnival Cruise L

Selecting Forensic Tools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Selecting Forensic Tools - Essay Example ion/attack. It is, hence, computer detective work. The importance of computer forensic technologies to the securitization of information and for the detection of the source of cyber crimes, manifest in the unauthorized retrieval of data, cannot be overemphasized. As both Stephenson (1999) and Carrier (2004) emphasize, organizations which do not have a digital forensics system in place are inexcusably careless and irresponsible. The implication here is that organizations which handle sensitive data, especially data which the law holds as confidential and private such as patient information, will have a digital forensics system in place. This was confirmed by our organization's IT Director who explained that a digital forensics analysis system was implemented over two years ago. While the IT Director claimed that the organization did not abide by criteria for the determination of whether to use open source or commercial tool sets, his explanation of the system and the process of its selection underscore its efficiency. Tool Selection The selection of the tool set was determined by the needs of the organization, the nature of its data and, importantly, a review of past attacks and unauthorized intrusion attempts. As a healthcare organization, the securitization of data is of primary importance since the leakage of patient information to unauthorized personnel renders the organization vulnerable to litigation. Furthermore, because of the nature of its activities, the data information combines between text, as in medical reports and demographic data, graphics, as in patient X-rays, and numbers, as in financial information. The organization, therefore, has to protect three data types. In their analysis of the various computer forensic tools, Yasinsac and Manzano (2001) maintain that the criteria for selection should be data type and organizational needs and activities. Further explaining this, they note that the tools which are used vis--vis graphical data are not effective when used for numerical or textual information. Watermarking tools are most effective where graphical data is concerned but not so in relation to textual data (Yasinsac and Manzano, 2001). Furthermore, whether commercial or open source tool sets are used should depend on an organization's size, the complexity of its functions and the volumes of data it handles (Yasinsac and Manzano, 2001). Even though he concurred with Yasinsac and Manzano's (2001) recommendations, the IT director admitted that adherence to their tool set selection criteria was not feasible. While open-source rather than commercial tools were used as a result of the complexity of the organization's processes and the volumes of data it handles, it did not distinguish between graphic and text-based data. Doing so would involve the implementation of two different digital forensics tool sets, thereby multiplying the human and non-human resources assigned

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Carnival Cruise Line, The Fun Ship Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Carnival Cruise Line, The Fun Ship - Assignment Example Whereas such an approach may work well in many other product or service offerings that exist within the current economy, oftentimes when people go on vacation luxury and immunity are some of the first things that they seek to ensure our present. Although there is nothing wrong with seeking to make Carnival Cruise Lines the Walmart of cruise lines, publicly stating such an approach is likely have a negative impact on sales and further foster negative images within the consumer. Anytime one seeks to engage with the given firm as a means of determining its overall strength within the market, it is necessary to perform what is known as a SWOT analysis. Such a SWOT analysis is merely shorthand for analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats the present themselves to given firm with any given market. Accordingly, in analyzing Carnival Cruise Lines strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, it is the understanding of the student that the most salient strengths ar e with regards to its recognizable name, large budget and extent vessels and staff, and overall profitability of the brand. Each of these strengths helps the firm, even if economic difficulties present themselves, to continue to exist and draw upon these strengths as a means of furthering business. Likewise, with regards to weaknesses, it can be understood that Carnival Cruise Lines exhibits the following: poor public relations, bad image, and a brand that is struggling to differentiate itself within a market that is increasingly saturated. Similarly, with regards to opportunities, these can be understood as a means to counter the weaknesses that it been previously mentioned (DATAMONITOR, 2013). Accordingly, the opportunities are as follows: working to increase public relations, building a better image, and finding a more appropriate way to can P with and stand apart from the many forms of competition the currently exist within the market. Lastly, the threats that it been chosen to be analyzed within this brief response are concentric upon the following: noticeable downturn in economy, reduction in overall number of people each year choosing cruises as their preferred means of vacation travel, and the demographic shift that threatens to further reduce cruise participation once the baby boomer generation discontinues their currently high level of vacation spending. As a function of these specific strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, the reader can come to be understanding that the primary issue facing Carnival Cruise Lines is with regards to the extent which it continue to be relevant within the current market, as well as speak to specific concerns that individuals within society have doubtless come to realize with respect to the overall cleanliness, hygiene, and safety of cruises as a form of relaxation and vacation. As with any firm, one of the most effective means of determining the overall financial success that it is enjoyed over the past several years is to review the stock price and draw inference upon the means by which investors have valued the company over time. As a function of performing this particular analysis with current cruise lines, it can be determined that the most financially turbulent times were of course realize right after the financial crash 2007/2008 (Conant, 2013). At such a time, Carnival Cruise L

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Microsoft's Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Microsoft's Business Strategy - Essay Example Google has revolutionized the aspect of using a range of online sources such as books, journal, directories and others. Even it has the first mover advantage due to technological leadership in the search engine category and Google’s employees are always suggesting innovative ideas for enhancing the firm’s performance in the market so that it can remain competent and a market leader. It is evident from the case that Microsoft has undertaken a range of initiatives for giving a tough competition to the players in the search engine domain. Despite all of its efforts, it has been unable to offer the services in alignment with the demands of the customers. However, it is still considered to be the dominant company in hardware and software category as it is the pioneer of developing Operating Systems for providing a diverse range of tools to the customers. In order to excel in the search engine market, Microsoft tried to distinguish the Live Search feature so that it can meet the expectations of the customers effectively. Some of the efforts undertaken by the company comprised of integrating internal search service with Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, changing the service name from ‘MSN Search’ to ‘Live Search’, development of Live Search Club, Live Search provided the advertisers an opportunity of gathering information about user’s demographics in addition to the query, creation of ‘Opinion index’ for providing reviews about the latest products, introduction of cashback program and many more. The ongoing endeavors of Microsoft’s development team shows that it is keen towards dominating the search engine market, however, it is lagging behind due to rapid advancements done by Google. As it is evident that the users develop loyalty with the companies having first mover advantage, Microsoft will have to look for avenues which are untouched by the market leader. Even the

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Family Medical Pedigree Health And Social Care Essay

A Family Medical Pedigree Health And Social Care Essay Individuals inherit many traits and characteristics from their parents. The color of your eyes, hair, and body type can all be traced back to the genes passed on to you by your family. Perhaps more important to your future well being than your outward appearance is the family medical tendencies you inherit. The United States office of the Attorney General states that obtaining an accurate health history and recording it can give you and your medical provider information you need for better health ( Family Medical Pedigree is also called a Family Tree or Genogram (Olsen, S., Dudley-Brown, S., McMullen, P. 2004). The Pedigree is a diagram showing connections to relatives going back at least three generations. At a minimum it includes date of birth or age, sex, and health problems ( this information is gathered and recorded it can be shared with medical providers and other family members to provide information needed to ma ke sound health decisions ( Significant Health History Using the information contained in Jarvis (2008), the National Society of Genetic Counselors (, and Health and Human Services (, web sites I was able to construct by own Family Medical Pedigree. Seeing the information in print allowed me to easily determine the predominant disease traits in my family. Jarvis (2008), names specific diseases or conditions to pay particular attention to including: heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, blood disorders, cancer, sickle-cell anemia, arthritis, allergies, obesity, alcoholism, mental illness, seizure disorder, kidney disease and tuberculosis. In my Pedigree there is an obvious tendency towards cardiovascular disease. Specifically five of my relatives have had myocardial infarctions (MI), one MI resulted in death, seven had/have hypertension including myself, my paternal grandmother died from complications related to cerebral vascular accident that was caused by untreated hypertension, and my father died of kidney disease which was directly related to damage caused by hypertension. My mother has hypertension and although fairly well controlled she has had an MI and suffers from a retinal vein occlusion and macular degeneration which has resulted in severe vision impairment. Furthermore osteo and rhematoid arthritis is very prevalent in our family. In addition there is a strong maternal tendency towards hypothyroidism of which four females on the maternal side of the Pedigree have including me. Lifestyle Contributing Factors It is important to note that five of my relatives had lifestyles that contributed to hypertension and three of the five also suffered from an MI. My mother and father were heavy smokers for most of their adult lives, each quitting when the health implications became obvious. My paternal aunt was a heavy smoker until an MI which resulted in her death. Although obesity is a contributor to hypertension and heart disease, all of my relatives had/have relatively normal weights. My mother has sarcoidosis and was actively treated for a long time with prednisone which contributed to her vision problems. Important to note is that not only did my mother smoke but she also exposed herself to countless hazardous chemicals while working most of her life in kitchens. One would not think a commercial kitchen as a hazardous place to work until you realize the cleaning agents that are used on a regular basis. My mother was and continues to be a cleaning fanatic and considers the harsher the chemical the better. Torpy, J. (2006) claims that there are many theories about how sarcoidosis is acquired including environmental exposure, and genetic tendencies. In addition to sarcoidosis my mother has age related macular degeneration (ARMD), the American Medical Association (http:// states (as cited by Haines, J., Spencer K., Pericak-Vance, M., 2007) that ARMD has genetic and environmental links especially smoking. Risks and Risk Reduction From reviewing my Family Medical Pedigree it is easy to see that I have inherited the tendency towards and the conditions of hypertension, hypothyroidism, and arthritis. In addition I am at risk for ARMD and sarcoidosis which also has genetic tendencies. My physician is very proactive and has taken my family health history into consideration in providing my care. I have had an EKG and stress test, laboratory analysis for rheumatoid arthritis and annually I undergo tests to check for kidney function and cholesterol and routinely monitor my blood pressure. I see an ophthalmologist every year and hope that by reducing my risk factors for ARMD such as not smoking I do not succumb to it. Finally I am on medication for hypertension and hypothyroidism and I am happy to report both are well controlled. Considering lifestyle I have never smoked, and try to stay as active as possible with horseback riding and working and playing with my dogs. Another lifestyle change I should consider is diet; although I watch what I eat, I could do a much better job by eliminating saturated fats and losing 20 pounds. Conclusion There are user friendly, easily accessible tools available on the internet that can assist everyone to create and record their family health history using a Family Medical Pedigree. The information gained can assist individuals to make informed decisions about their lifestyle and medical care. Olsen, S., Dudley-Brown, S., McMullen, P. (2004) confirm à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Appropriately used, a family history generated pedigree can be one of the health care providers most powerful clinical tools for health risk identification and preventionà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ (295). Even the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Regina M. Benjamin feels that accurate family medical history is important enough that she has created the Family Health History Initiative. This initiative has made recording health information accessible to everyone by providing a free online site to create your own Family Health Pedigree ( In summary by providing a Family Medical Pedigree and working collaboratively with your medical provider for proper screening, treatment, and lifestyle change you can decrease your risk for inherited diseases and preserve health.